[comp.lang.c++] operator=

cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) (12/04/90)

Former Subject: Re: "foo operator+()" vs "foo& operator+()"
(sorry; the new subject and the old wouldn't fit on the same line)

In article <2753DDF4.7359@tct.uucp> chip@tct.uucp (Chip Salzenberg) writes:
>According to Reid Ellis <rae@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu>:
>>	foo & foo::operator+=(const foo &f) { ... }
>>	foo & foo::operator+(const foo &f)
>>		{  static foo sf;  sf = *this;  return sf += f;  }
>>The only way to get "caught" using this is if you hold
>>the return value in a reference, as in:
>>	foo &rf = foo1 + foo2;
>I believe that:
>    foo f = (foo1 + (foo2 + foo3));
>is likely to break using the reference-to-static trick.

Even foo f=((foo1+foo2)+foo3) will break if operator=(const foo& f) isn't
careful!  Ie: if operator= doesn't check whether `this' points to `sf', BOOM!

Nothing sophisticated in what follows; just a couple of tricky-to-find (and
sadly common!) C++ errors.  I've found it all too easy to write an assignment
operator that doesn't check if it's assigning to itself (no, I'm *not* even
hinting that this policy baggage ought to be added to the compiler!!!!!!!!).
But, it's a subtle bug that is just *waiting* to bite you, and when (not if)
it bites, it's rather nasty to track down.  Ex: consider:

| class String {
|   char* s;	//the String data
|   int   L;	//cache the length
| public:
|   String(const String& S) : s(new char[S.L+1]), L(S.L) { strcpy(s, S.s); }
|   String& operator=(const String& S)
|                   { delete s; L = S.L; s = new char[L+1]; strcpy(s, S.s); }
|                   //^^^^^^^^-- bug#1
|   String(const char* S) : L(strlen(S)), s(new char[L+1]) { strcpy(s, S); }
|                                                  //^^^-- bug#2
|   String() : s(new char[1]), L(0) { s[0] = '\0'; }
|   //...
| };

This class doesn't check the return value of `new' to make sure it's non-0,
so these are other bugs (can't wait for exceptions!), however the two nasty
ones are indicated.

Bug#1: suppose you do end up with an s=s situation (which isn't that hard,
considering you can have references passed around to other functions).  The
assignment operator dutifully delete's *both* its destination *and* source
char*'s, since they're both the same thing!  Then you do a strcpy from memory
that is now owned by the system, and you *might* get the right result, or you
might get gobbledegook (or a core dump or ...).  Solution:
| String& String::operator=(const String& S)
|  {if (this!=&that) {delete s; L = S.L; s = new char[L+1]; strcpy(s, S.s);}}

Bug#2: just because L appears in the ``init-list'' before s does NOT mean L
is initialized before S.  Initialization occurs in the order subobjects
appear in the class defn (there is a very good reason for this: destructors
must be able to reliably destroy subobjects in the reverse order they were
constructed, so all constructors must construct subobjects in the *same*
order, and `appearance in the class' was selected as this `standard' order).
Thus this ctor gets a garbage number of chars via `new', *then* it sets L to
strlen.  The result will depend on the phase of the moon.

BTW: bug #2 can be eliminted in this case by using assignment rather than
initialization in the ctor, such as:
| String(const char* S) {L=strlen(S); s=new char[L+1]; strcpy(s,S);}
and certainly it has no time or space cost since neither `char*' nor `int'
have empty ctors, but I've found it useful to ALWAYS use an init list (well,
*almost* always :-), even if the class' subobjects are all of builtin types.
Obviously there are cases where you can't `initialize' a subobject so you
*have* to `assign', but the possibility of a *huge* time cost is frightening.

| class Person {
|   String name;
|   //...other subobjects...
| public:
|   Person(const char* name_) { name = name_; }
| };
| main()
| {
|   Person neighbor = "Joe";
| }

Constructing `neighbor' involves the following:
* Person::Person(const char*) gets called with parameter "Joe".
* Person::Person(const char*) has no init list, so member object Person::name
  gets constructed by the default ctor String::String().  This allocates a 1
  byte area from freestore for the '\0' (String's default ctor could've been
  smarter, such as using a static "" area for the zero-len String).
* A temporary "Joe" String is created using String::String(const char*).
  This is another freestore allocation and a strcpy().
* String::operator=(const String&) is called with the temporary String.
  This will `delete' the old string in `s', use another `new' to get space
  for the new string, and do another strcpy().
* The temporary String gets destroyed, yet another freestore operation.

	Final score:	3 `new', 2 `strcpy()', and 2 `delete'
	Total:		7 `cost units'

Compare this to an initialization-list version:
		Person::Person(const char* name_) : name(name_) { }
Cost to initialize `neighbor':
* Person::Person(const char*) gets called with parameter "Joe"
* Person::Person(const char*) *has* an init list, so member object `name' is
  initialized from `name_' with String::String(const char*)

	Final score:	1 `new', 1 `strcpy()', 0 `delete'
	Total:		2 `cost units'

Sorry if this was obvious to everyone.  But with a 7.5 month doubling rate of
new C++ users, there are bound to be lots and lots of people who are learning
the language.  So, I hope this helped *someone*!

Marshall Cline
PS: If your company is interested in on-site C++/OOD training, drop me a line!
PPS: Career search in progress; ECE faculty; research oriented; will send vita.
Marshall Cline / Asst.Prof / ECE Dept / Clarkson Univ / Potsdam, NY 13676
cline@sun.soe.clarkson.edu / Bitnet:BH0W@CLUTX / uunet!clutx.clarkson.edu!bh0w
Voice: 315-268-3868 / Secretary: 315-268-6511 / FAX: 315-268-7600