[comp.lang.c++] OSF/MOTIF AND C++

appel@cui.unige.ch (APPEL Ron) (12/05/90)

Our group is going to start a large project involving user-interfaces,
using X11r4, OSF/Motif and c++.

For this purpose, I am looking for the following products, commercial
or public domain:

  1) Development environment for c++.
  2) Bindings for OSF/Motif 1.1 on c++.
  3) User-interface generator using OSF?Motif.

Thanks to anybody giving me any indication on where to find any of these
things, and/or which ones a good or not. Please answer directly via e-mail.
I will post a summary.

Ron D. Appel                                appel@medsun.unige.ch
Unite d'Imagerie Numerique                  appel@cgehcu61.bitnet
Centre d'Informatique Hospitaliere
Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneve
24, rue Micheli-du-Crest                                 ###
CH-1211 Geneve 4                                     ########
Switzerland                                      ###############
tel.: 41-22-229254                            ###################
fax : 41-22-227073                      ##########################