[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++

aaron@rruxh.UUCP (Akman) (06/12/90)

From message <3239@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM> it is confusing whether
Borland is 1.2 or 2.0 compatible.  Can someone explain?

**Borland Turbo C++
**  AT&T 2.0 compatible
**  No windows support yet
**  (Introductory price?)
**  Mouse driven interactive development environment (or keyboard)
**  Can use any editor, debugger, etc.
**  Good customer support
**  Libraries include stream-cfront 1.2, no streamio

Aaron Akman, 201-699-8019, bellcore!rruxh!aaron, RRC 4D-728

sidney@saturn.ucsc.edu (Sidney Markowitz ) (06/13/90)

In article <AARON.90Jun12094456@rruxh.rruxh.UUCP>
 aaron@rruxh.UUCP (Akman) writes:

>From message <3239@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM> it is confusing whether
>Borland is 1.2 or 2.0 compatible.  Can someone explain?

I'm not sure how to parse the last line either, but the correct
information is that TurboC++ fully implements the AT&T 2.0 version of
the language, including iostreams, and also includes a library that
implements the old 1.2 streams.

-- sidney  markowitz <sidney@saturn.ucsc.edu>

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (06/13/90)

In article <4338@darkstar.ucsc.edu> sidney@saturn.ucsc.edu (Sidney Markowitz ) writes:
>I'm not sure how to parse the last line either, but the correct
>information is that TurboC++ fully implements the AT&T 2.0 version of
>the language, including iostreams, and also includes a library that
>implements the old 1.2 streams.

I was under the impression that the AT&T 2.0 stream library (iostreams) was
still proprietry.  If they have released it, where can I get a copy of the
source (or Zortech binaries)?

It has to implement C++ 2.00 or it wouldn't compete (no to mention being 5
years out of date).

- Dave Astels

Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

omathuna@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Eoin OMathuna) (08/17/90)


At the moment I program in Turbo C v2.0 and a friend of mine
suggested that I change over to C++, in particular Turbo C++

Could someone tell me the main difference between C and C++ and
if Turbo C++ is a good version, and is it worth getting the professional

Any comments would be greatly appreciated,

Email omathuna@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu

Thanks in advance


patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us (Patrick Deupree) (08/23/90)

In article <3836@nisca.ircc.ohio-state.edu> omathuna@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Eoin OMathuna) writes:
>At the moment I program in Turbo C v2.0 and a friend of mine
>suggested that I change over to C++, in particular Turbo C++
>Could someone tell me the main difference between C and C++ and
>if Turbo C++ is a good version, and is it worth getting the professional

I've just started using Turbo C++ after having used Turbo C 1.0 a while back
at a previous job.  I'd recommend getting it for the simple reason that you'll
be able to use/learn C++ (which is likely to become the new way to program
in C).  However, you can still use normal straight C code if you like, so you
won't be stuck doing everything in C++.  The only complaint I've had about
C++ from Borland is the "class hierarchy" they provide.  Basically, they
include sample class files that compose a class hierarchy dealing with
Arrays, Collections, Strings and other "collection" oriented objects.

It seems these were provided as just samples which explains the fact that
theres very little documentation on the classes themselves and no documentation
on how to make constructive use of them.  However, after doing a tiptoe
through the CPP and .H files it becomes obvious what is expected (oh, also
after a couple of errors from the pre-processor saying I hadn't defined
a few routines for my descendants.)

I've been having fun with the language, though.
"Organized fandom is composed of a bunch of nitpickers with a thing for
 trivial pursuit."  -Harlan Ellison

Patrick Deupree ->	patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us

dijkp@twssun.pttrnl.nl (Patrick van Dijk) (12/04/90)

When I was reading Dr Dobbs of November, I noticed something
on the last page of it.

It's an advertisement of Borlands Turbo C++. They compare
it to some C++ compilers, why not comparing it to Zortech.
Is this because Zortech is better ?

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (12/06/90)

In article <dijkp.660314230@twssun>, dijkp@twssun.pttrnl.nl (Patrick van Dijk) writes:
> When I was reading Dr Dobbs of November, I noticed something
> on the last page of it.
> It's an advertisement of Borlands Turbo C++. They compare
> it to some C++ compilers, why not comparing it to Zortech.
> Is this because Zortech is better ?

Note:  They don't even compare it to other C++ compilers, only Microsoft C.

But that Borland is aware of their deficiencies and doesn't want to talk
about it has been my conclusion.  

When one of the people from Borland asked to subscribe to the Zortech 
mailing list I made mention of them not makeing any acknowledgement of 
our existance in their ads and was surprised (sarcasm) to see them be 
interested in our mailing list.  I never received a reply.  :-)

Of course it has been pointed out to me that Borland is very good at
marketing and marketing is just doing their job.  Don't mention weaknesses
and emphasize their strengths.  

Also notice that they say "THE FIRST TURBO-CHARGED C++".  Of course they
don't define what 'turbo-charged' means.  Ask someone who has compared
compile times with the Zortech compiler what they think 'turbo-charged'

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