[comp.lang.c++] Exceptions in C++

euakem@euas10.ericsson.se (Magnus Kempe) (07/21/89)

How would one go about implementing exceptions in C++?
I am particularly interested in the functionnality offered by
Ada exceptions - or better.. - i.e. raising exceptions,
and catching them, not necessarily in the same routine.

If it is possible to do, is it:
    i) clean -- i.e. easy to understand and easy to use
   ii) portable -- i.e. independent of the machine *and* of the compiler
  iii) efficient -- i.e. not run-time overhead when no exception is raised

If not possible, why? Is there a way to simulate it?

Please e-mail to me, I'll summarize to the net.
Thanks in advance,
  Magnus,  euakem@euas10.ericsson.se

  Good Premises,
     -- Magnus     euakem@euas10.ericsson.se

fsb@vitro.uucp (Steve Brailsford) (11/28/90)

I read somewhere there is some talk about including exception
handlers in C++ like Ada has.  Does anyone have any examples of 
what they might look like?  Does it introduce new keywords?
I assume it would use some kind of signal() function.  Is there
some new mechanism for doing it?  I have done some C->Ada/Ada->C
conversions and it would be a lot easier to go from ada to C++
if there were exceptions in the langauge.  Maybe we can get the DOD
to adopt the new C++ as a co-language to Ada.
    Steve Brailsford		Usenet:  uunet!media!vitro!fsb
    Vitro Corporation		Compu$erve: 73427,1466
    14000 Georgia Ave.		Voice:  (301) 231-1481
    Silver Spring, MD 20906

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (12/11/90)

In article <1990Nov27.203401.6093@vitro.uucp> fsb@vitro.uucp (Steve Brailsford) writes:
|I read somewhere there is some talk about including exception
|handlers in C++ like Ada has.  Does anyone have any examples of 
|what they might look like?  Does it introduce new keywords?
|I assume it would use some kind of signal() function.  Is there
|some new mechanism for doing it?  I have done some C->Ada/Ada->C
|conversions and it would be a lot easier to go from ada to C++
|if there were exceptions in the langauge.  Maybe we can get the DOD
|to adopt the new C++ as a co-language to Ada.

The ANSI-C++ committee has accepted the proposed model of exceptions
presented in "The Annotated Reference Manual", Ellis & Stroustrup,
Addison-Wesley 1990.  As such exceptions can be considered part of
the C++ language.  Actual compilers supporting these exceptions will
be forthcoming.