[comp.lang.c++] g++ ld.c bug on SunOS 4.1

ken@csis.dit.csiro.au (Ken Yap) (12/11/90)

I keep seeing queries about why g++ won't work under SunOS 4.1 because
the generated binaries segfault, etc. I'm dismayed that archive keepers
at FSF and elsewhere haven't seen fit to put this fix in a file with a
prominent name like SunOS4.1-gld-bugfix. Here is the one line fix for
the problem. Better fixes probably exist but this one worked for me.  I
believe the ld.c in binutils works properly too.

RCS file: ld.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.1 -r1.2
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a16443	Tue Dec 11 12:29:07 1990
--- /tmp/,RCSt2a16443	Tue Dec 11 12:29:08 1990
*** 1004,1009 ****
--- 1004,1010 ----
       This depends on the kind of system and on the output format selected.  */
    N_SET_MAGIC (outheader, magic);
+   outheader.a_entry = PAGSIZ;           /* SunOS 4.1 bug */