[comp.lang.c++] nihcl3.0 g++ patches

muts@fysaj.fys.ruu.nl (Peter Mutsaers /1000000) (12/15/90)

Lately I got patches for the NIHCL c++ library for g++. These patches
however were for version 2.03.
I have nihcl 3.0 and want to get it to work with g++ 1.37.1.
Do patches exist for this?

Thanks in advance,
Peter Mutsaers                          email:    muts@fysaj.fys.ruu.nl     
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht                         muts@ruunsa.fys.ruu.nl
Princetonplein 5                          tel:    (+31)-(0)30-533880
3584 CG Utrecht, Netherlands