[comp.lang.c++] Order of destructor calls for auto objects

jgro@lia (Jeremy Grodberg) (12/15/90)

I cannot find anywhere in the ARM where the order of destruction of
automatic objects is defined.  Am I missing something?  If not, I propose
that the ANSI standard add the following to section 6.6 of the ARM:

  Objects are guaranteed to be destroyed in the reverse of their order
  of creation.

Take, for exampe, the following block:
    foo a;
    foo b;
    foo c; 
    count << "Hello world\n";


We are already guaranteed that a will be constructed first, then b, then c,
according to section 6.7.  I want to also have the guarantee that on
exit from scope, first c will be destroyed, then b, then a.  This has
important implications for objects which reference other objects.

It appears that CFront 2.0 (from AT&T) already does this, but I would
like it to be formalized.

Jeremy Grodberg      "I don't feel witty today.  Don't bug me."