[comp.lang.c++] Double Dispatching

cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) (12/19/90)

In article <Dec.> schaum@remus.rutgers.edu (schaum) writes:
>I and my group partners are constructing a calculator which operates
>on integers, matrices and sparse matrices.  Our current heirarchy is
>as follows:		Operand
>			  / | \
>		    Integer |  Sparse
>			Matrix
>Class operand is an abstract class containing no data and only virtual
>member functions which are defined in the subclasses.  Our goal is to
>produce a client class Calculator which evaluates expressions in
>reverse Polish notation, doing addition, subtraction and
>multiplication on objects of subclasses of operand, passing parameters
>of type operand in order to be able to pass any of the subclasses as

You've stumbled into the wild and wolly world of multiple polymorphism,
which is simulated in C++ via double dispatching.  It's a lot of fun, so
hold on to your hat!

Given N types of Operands, there'll be N^2 `add' routines: Int+Matrix,
Int+Sparse, Int+Int, etc.  So, for starters, we *have* to simply accept
the fact that this is going to be messy: there *will* be N^2 chunks of
code; our job is to find the `right' one, given any pair of Operands.

Suppose you have two People in a room.  If one is a Plumber and the other
wants a Plumber, they can do business in the usual way.  But they can't
just assume they're a `match'; they have to check it out.  What do they
do?  The first says, ``Hello. I'm Joe Shmow. I'm a Plumber,'' to which the
second replies, ``Great! I'm Sam Smith, and I need a Plumber.''  This is
the basic technique of double dispatching: first the left Operand tells
what it *actually* is (an Integer, for example), after which the right
Operand responds accordingly.

add(Operand& x, Operand& y) then goes like this: pass a generic message to
`x' such as `add yourself to the Operand called y', or x.add(y).  If all
Operands are equipped with an add(Operand&) virtual member function, this
will identify the exact class of `x' (for example, an Integer), so that
Integer::add(Operand& y) will get control.  That unambiguously identifies
the left arg, the cost being one polymorphic dispatch.

Like the Plumber who holds out his hand, `x' then passes another generic
message to `y' that says `add me to yourself, and I know for a fact that I
am an Integer'.  This is accomplished by equipping all Operands with a
virtual function called `add_Integer(Integer& x)'.  Next, suppose `y' is
actually a Matrix, in which case `Matrix::add_Integer(Integer& x)' will
get control.  A Matrix knows how to add itself to an Integer, so the rest
happens quickly.

There are some tricky spots, but that's double dispatching for you.
For the brave: you don't *have* to call it add_Integer(Integer&), since
the compiler can disambiguate them based on the parameter list, so you
might just want to call all these `add(...)' (provided you don't suffer
from double vision that is!)

The major disadvantage of double dispatching is that class Operand and all
its subclasses will need to be updated if a new Operand is added to the
hierarchy.  Ie: we lose the OO-ideal of ``adding a class won't require you
to change existing classes'' (Meyer's Open-Closed principle; Meyer, OOSC,
P/H, 1988).  But thems the brakes; if you want to polymorphically resolve
on more than one parameter, double dispatching is the only solution in C++
(or in Eiffel, Smalltalk, etc; CLOS is the most prominent OOPL which
*directly* supports multiple polymorphism).

>	I had defined class operator with a set of virtual functions.
Another typo; I'm sure you meant `Operand', as `operator' is a C++ keyword.

>	Each class: integer, matrix, sparse_matrix inherited publicly
>	from operand.  Yet I could not assign a pointer of type class
>	operand to an integer, matrix, or sparse_matrix.  I eventually
>	wrote a struct within class operand containing one object of
>	integer, one of matrix and one of sparse_matrix.  I got kind
>	of [expletive deleted --MPC] at Borland Turbo C++ for this.
>class base { public: virtual void foo(){}; };
Probably another typo.  You don't want a ``;'' after that ``}''.
But ``=0;'' would probably be much closer to what you want.
Ie: the following declares `Base' to be an `abstract base class' (ABC):
	class Base { public: virtual void foo()=0; };

>class sub1 : public base { void foo() {printf("sub1\n");} };
>class sub2 : public base { void foo() {printf("sub2\n");} };
                           ^---Another typo: Insert `public:' here
>	base *a;
>	sub1 d;
>	a = &d;
>	a->foo();

This should probably work, but TC++ will probably resolve this statically,
as it doesn't take an overly intelligent optimizer to see that `a' is
actually pointing to a `sub1'.

>//Do not assume that I am using correct syntax.
>//I tried a similar test program with Turbo C++.  The program did not
>//compile and I could not find my error.  C++ should have
>//polymorphism.  Obviously, I must be stupid, ignorant, or something.

Not stupid.  Just a few typos that will probably fix things up.
I suspect that inserting `public:' will solve your major problem.

Marshall Cline

PS: You probably want to get into the habit of saying:
		{ cout << "sub1\n"; }
rather than:	{ printf("sub1\n"); }

PPS: The memory management for the above will be a big headache.  The
other C++ idiom which you'll want is to wrap an ABC pointer in a small
lightweight class.  The problem is that nearly all your `Operand's will be
allocated dynamically (ie: `new Integer' etc), yet when a pointer or ref
falls off then end of its scope, C++ doesn't kill the pointed-to object
(since C++ correctly assumes there may be other live references to it).
*However* a tiny class like `Op' (see below) can have a destructor which
can `delete' the pointed-to memory.  This requires yet another C++ idiom:
`Operand' should have a virtual `clone()' member function, so `Op' can get
its own copy from the freestore.  This is tricky to get right, but you'll
learn a lot about C++ in the process!  Something like this:

//Warning: the following compiles but hasn't been tested:
class Integer;
class Matrix;
class Sparse;

class Operand {
  void operator=(const Operand&) { }  //`private' and therefore inaccessible
  virtual         ~Operand() { }
  virtual Operand& clone()                     const = 0;
  virtual Operand& add(const Operand&)         const = 0;
  virtual Operand& add_Integer(const Integer&) const = 0;
  //etc ad nauseum...

class Integer: public Operand {
  int i;
           Integer(int ii)           : i(ii)  { }
           Integer(const Integer& I) : i(I.i) { }  //copy constructor
  Operand& clone()                       const { return *new Integer(*this);  }
  Operand& add(const Operand& y)         const { return y.add_Integer(*this); }
  Operand& add_Integer(const Integer& x) const { return *new Integer(i + x.i);}

class Matrix : public Operand { /*...*/ };
class Sparse : public Operand { /*...*/ };

// There are several C++ idioms up there (ex: *new being a reference,
// returning *new Integer(*this) in Integer::clone(), privatizing the
// assignment operator thus making it illegal by default, using a
// virtual destructor, `const' member functions and refs, etc).

// Finally you can write `Op' which will `wrap' a pointer to `Operand':

class Op {
  Operand* o;
  Op(Operand& oo, int):o(&oo) { } //private constructor; does NOT clone its arg
            ~Op() { delete o; }
             Op(const Operand& oo) : o(&oo.clone()) { } //clone its Operand
             Op(const Op& oo) : o(&oo.o->clone()) { }   //copy constructor
         Op& operator=(const Op& oo)    // assignment; be careful!
                      { if (o != oo.o) { delete o; o = &oo.o->clone(); } }
  friend Op  operator+(const Op& x, const Op& y) {return Op(x.o->add(*y.o),0);}
//friend Op  operator*(const Op& x, const Op& y) {return Op(x.o->mul(*y.o),0);}
//...etc etc etc...

// Note: Op's private ctor is disambiguated from Op::Op(const Operand&) by
//       the extra (ignored) argument in         Op::Op(Operand&,int)
// Note: Op's destructor `delete's the pointed-to op
// Note: no virtual functions are needed in class `Op'
// Note: class Op is a `by value' class; ex: you CAN have a local of type `Op'
// Note: `Op' doesn't have any `destructive' operations such as +=, *=, etc

  Op x = Integer(3);
  Op y = Integer(4);
  Op z = x + y;  //initialization
     z = x + y;  //assignment

Hope all this helps!

PS: If your company is interested in on-site C++/OOD training, drop me a line!
PPS: Career search in progress; ECE faculty; research oriented; will send vita.
Marshall Cline / Asst.Prof / ECE Dept / Clarkson Univ / Potsdam, NY 13676
cline@sun.soe.clarkson.edu / Bitnet:BH0W@CLUTX / uunet!clutx.clarkson.edu!bh0w
Voice: 315-268-3868 / Secretary: 315-268-6511 / FAX: 315-268-7600

philip@pescadero.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) (12/19/90)

In article <CLINE.90Dec18151352@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu>, cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) writes:
|> Given N types of Operands, there'll be N^2 `add' routines: Int+Matrix,
|> Int+Sparse, Int+Int, etc.
Shouldn't that be N! (factorial)?
Philip Machanick

philip@pescadero.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) (12/19/90)

In article <1990Dec18.214229.28951@Neon.Stanford.EDU>, philip@pescadero.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) writes:
|> In article <CLINE.90Dec18151352@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu>, cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) writes:
|> |> Given N types of Operands, there'll be N^2 `add' routines: Int+Matrix,
|> |> Int+Sparse, Int+Int, etc.
|> Shouldn't that be N! (factorial)?
No, it shouldn't - thanks to Charles Allen for the correction.
Philip Machanick

horstman@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (12/20/90)

In article <1990Dec18.214229.28951@Neon.Stanford.EDU> philip@pescadero.stanford.edu writes:
>In article <CLINE.90Dec18151352@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu>, cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) writes:
>|> Given N types of Operands, there'll be N^2 `add' routines: Int+Matrix,
>|> Int+Sparse, Int+Int, etc.
>Shouldn't that be N! (factorial)?
>Philip Machanick

Indeed there are N^2. (N^k for a k-ary operation.) For example, if N ==2,
there are Int * Int, Int * Matrix, Matrix * Int, Matrix * Matrix. (* is a lot
more realistic that +, unless you like the APL interpretation). 

This question on double dispatching pops up every few months, so let me make
a plug for my C++ book (Horstmann, Mastering C++, Wiley) which discusses it
in the last chapter. Anything to get those royalty $$$ rolling...
