[comp.lang.c++] Microway C++ -- Is it Green Hills C++ in diguise ?

fmbutt@mrbt.sw.stratus.com (Farooq Butt) (12/21/90)


I received many helpful responses (as usual ;-) from this group regarding
C++ vendors for the Intel i860 chip.  From what I can deduce, it seems that 
there is a holy trinity of C++ suppliers out there:

	. Green Hills
	. AT&T (preprocessor system)
	. GNU g++

I was also informed about an outfit called "Microway" but upon calling 
them we gleaned that their compiler technology has been supplied by 
someone else.  


	. Is this holy trinity correct ?

	. Whose C++ does "Microway" use (I am 99.44 % sure it is Green Hills)?

	. What do you think of the the Green Hills C++ compiler ? Is is 
	  stellar ? scintillating ? terrible ? a disaster?  ANY war 
	  stories you care to share will be eagerly lapped up!!!!!!
	  The answer to this does NOT have to be about the GH C++ for 
	  the i860 but for ANY GH C++ compiler....

	. Is AT&T developing a native compiler as opposed to a preprocessor?

Thanks a lot!