[comp.lang.c++] Looking for NIH Class Library

andrea@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Andrea Ignatowski) (12/19/90)

	Does anyone know where I can ftp Gorlen et al's NIH C++ 
	class library and the examples found in the book:
	"Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++"?

Andrea Hays

ajw@watson (Alan Waldock) (12/19/90)

In article <1990Dec18.203702.19266@csn.org> andrea@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Andrea Ignatowski) writes:
>	Does anyone know where I can ftp Gorlen et al's NIH C++ 
>	class library and the examples found in the book:
>	"Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++"?

I feel like the owner of half a prize certificate, like filling stations
used to give out.  I've got the library, (acquired as part of a megabuck
C++ compiler package), but D*MN*D if I can find the book anywhere.  Anyone
know of any bookshop in the civilized world that'll mail it?

If not the civilized world, how about Oregon?  :-)

Andrea, I don't think I can help you, as you can't ftp anything to or from
this site as far as I can tell.

-- Alan Waldock, from but not on behalf of Intel Corporation
   ajw@watson.hf.intel.com       ...uunet!intelhf!watson!ajw 

fdeming@lappi.uucp (Frank Deming {x6088}) (12/27/90)

In article <1990Dec18.203702.19266@csn.org> andrea@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Andrea Ignatowski) writes:
>	Does anyone know where I can ftp Gorlen et al's NIH C++ 
>	class library and the examples found in the book:
>	"Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++"?
>Andrea Hays

  I ftp'ed the most recent NIH classes from Gorlen is, I
presume). I do not know where to get the examples in the book. BigInt and some 
underlying examples that are not printed in book. Does anyone know where these
can be had other than sending in for a disk of what is apparently free code?

					Frank Deming

kgorlen@helix.nih.gov (Keith Gorlen) (12/27/90)

In article <1173@cvbnetPrime.COM>, fdeming@lappi.uucp (Frank Deming {x6088}) writes:
|> In article <1990Dec18.203702.19266@csn.org> andrea@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Andrea Ignatowski) writes:
|> >Hello,
|> >	Does anyone know where I can ftp Gorlen et al's NIH C++ 
|> >	class library and the examples found in the book:
|> >	"Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++"?
|> >
|> >Thanks,
|> >Andrea Hays
|>   I ftp'ed the most recent NIH classes from Gorlen is, I
|> presume). I do not know where to get the examples in the book. BigInt and some 
|> underlying examples that are not printed in book. Does anyone know where these
|> can be had other than sending in for a disk of what is apparently free code?
|> 					Frank Deming
|> 					fdeming@aecmail.prime.com

All of the example programs for the book are in the "ex" directory in the distribution kit on host alw.nih.gov ( in the file nihcl.tar.Z.

	Keith Gorlen			phone: (301) 496-1111
	Building 12A, Room 2033		uucp: uunet!kgorlen%alw.nih.gov
	National Institutes of Health	Internet: kgorlen@alw.nih.gov
	Bethesda, MD 20892