[comp.lang.c++] Need help..

djones@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones) (12/18/87)

I am trying to install C++ on a sun-3.  I did all the things it said to
do in the release notes...  I ran bsd.fix.  A little jacking around with
the make-file (include-paths, etc.) and I made scratch.
I made cfront, etc.  Everything seemed to work.

But now when I try to compile "hello world", the lexer gets hung up
in lxtitle().  It reads the first character, '#' (from cpp). But
the next character it tries to read hangs it up.   When I run it
under dbxtool,  it SIGSEGV's at that point.  The scratch
version of cfront breezes through.  What did I not do? Any ideas?  

myavuzer@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Matt Yavuzer) (09/06/89)

Has anybody done programming under  GNU-C++/X-WindowsV11R3 environment?
I would be very glad to hear suggestions or solutions to incompatibility


samperi@marob.masa.com (Dominick Samperi) (09/07/89)

In article <724@rodan.acs.syr.edu> myavuzer@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Matt Yavuzer) writes:
>Has anybody done programming under  GNU-C++/X-WindowsV11R3 environment?
>I would be very glad to hear suggestions or solutions to incompatibility

Just started trying to use g++ with X11R3, and found these sticky problems:

1. There are structure field names in header files with names like
   'class', a reserved keyword in C++.

2. Header files contain structure defs of the form:
   struct foo { ... } foo, and this seems to cause g++ to choke.

So we've been forced to use C jacket routines to hide the C++
incompatibilities in X.


Dominick Samperi -- ESCC

fox@cs.cs.columbia.edu (David Fox) (09/07/89)

I just made my own copies of the header files, fixed all the
compiler complaints, and now I add prototypes for functions
whenever I need them.

David Fox

giri@uts.amdahl.com (Giri Padmanabhan) (12/29/90)

I am in the process of developing a database that is menu driven,
has microsoft mouse capability and that is written in C++.

I want to know if anyone out there has written a database application
using C++ ( Zortech or turbo C++) for an IBM-AT that has window like
menus for data entry and which also allows mouse capability. Any
responses will be greatly appreciated..


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