[comp.lang.c++] Classes repository?

thc@cs.brown.edu (Thomas Colthurst) (12/19/90)

Having an online repository of submitted classes is an excellent idea.  Currently,
most class libraries are maintained and generated by organizations (libg++, etc.),
and while these fill a definite need, they tend to be small and general purpose.
What is also needed is a place where just anyone could submit any class which they
have developed.  The benefits of such a repository are obvious:  rather quickly, 
a large selection and variety of classes would become available.

The physical side of such an idea would probably entail setting up a FTP site with
both get and put directories.  The logistical side would envolve advertising 
to let people know about its existence and encouraging them to submit developed
classes (we are helped in this regard by the inherent desire of most programmers
to want to have their code used), and making sure submitted classes are in a 
standardized, easily-browsable form.  Maintance could be provided by the original
submitters -- if you find a bug in my class, I would make the change and
resubmit it.

Anyone know of any place which would be interested in setting up such a site?

-Thomas C

nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson) (12/23/90)

In article <59865@brunix.UUCP> thc@cs.brown.edu (Thomas Colthurst) writes:

   The physical side of such an idea would probably entail setting up
   a FTP site with both get and put directories.

grape.ecs.clarkson.edu:pub/c++ for getting,
grape.ecs.clarkson.edu:incoming/c++ for putting.

I'll be putting up some code from Dr. Dobbs later today.

Go for it!

--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])  FAX 315-268-7600
It's better to get mugged than to live a life of fear -- Freeman Dyson
I joined the League for Programming Freedom, and I hope you'll join too.

steve@Pkg.Mcc.COM (Steve Madere) (12/29/90)

How about a new newsgroup to discuss these submitted class
libraries and code snippets?  One could also post the
code there (or descriptions of it) and it could be archived
to a site on the net.  (Just like comp.sources.ibmpc and
the like).

Suggestions for submission format and a list of currently
available objects could be kept in an intro letter to be 
posted bi-weekly.

Would it fit better into a place like comp.sources.c++ or
comp.lang.c++.libs ?

What do you think?

Steve Madere

Reid Ellis <rae@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu> (01/03/91)

Steve Madere <steve@Pkg.Mcc.COM> writes:
>How about a new newsgroup to discuss these submitted class
>libraries and code snippets?  One could also post the
>code there (or descriptions of it) and it could be archived
>to a site on the net.  (Just like comp.sources.ibmpc and
>the like).

How about a real, honest-to-goodness sources group then?  Say
comp.sources.c++?  Is C++ portable enough to warrant such a group, or
are platform-dependancies too widespread for it to be useful?

Reid Ellis  176 Brookbanks Drive, Toronto ON, M3A 2T5 Canada
rae@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu      ||  rae%alias@csri.toronto.edu
CDA0610@applelink.apple.com   ||             +1 416 446 1644

garnett@roadster.bellcore.com (Michael Garnett) (01/04/91)

In article <rae.662888801@barney>, rae@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Reid Ellis)
|> Steve Madere <steve@Pkg.Mcc.COM> writes:
|> >How about a new newsgroup to discuss these submitted class
|> >libraries and code snippets?  One could also post the
|> >code there (or descriptions of it) and it could be archived
|> >to a site on the net.  (Just like comp.sources.ibmpc and
|> >the like).
	Some kind soul has already started a directory at
	{pub,incoming}/c++ .

|> How about a real, honest-to-goodness sources group then?  Say
|> comp.sources.c++?  Is C++ portable enough to warrant such a group,
|> are platform-dependancies too widespread for it to be useful?

	I asked (not here) about starting a comp.source.c++ and was told 
	that the "official community" would vote it down. I personally think
	that C++ is too different and (to my perception) more portable than
	languages (save Ada :).  We can certainly try.  I'd like to see
	grape.ecs.clarkson.edu still be used for the archiving (if possible)
	I have no facilities for doing such archiving. But I am willing to
	help (is this the right word?) in managing the comp.sources.c++. 
	I fear that code put at grape, without other "coverage" will go
	Can't we at least try??  If the group is a flop, then it is a flop. 
	if it's not, then I think we will have "done a good thing!" (Allusion
	some strange cartoon that I vaguely remember -- sorry).

	BTW: I've got some stuff that need my immediate attention at work (and
	for a week++, but after that I have a few classes that I'm gonna put
	<fill in place here>.  A Socket class[tree] (for UNIX/BSD only).
	A generic MultiDimensional Array class (w/code sharing).
    *********                  Michael S. Garnett 
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