[comp.lang.c++] How to compile program using InterViews?

barichel@cs.umn.edu (Carlos Barichello) (01/05/91)


I need to find information on how to compile a c++
program that makes calls to the InterViews library.

Are there any newsgroups dedicated to InterViews?


Carlos Barichello

gwu@nujoizey.tcs.com (George Wu) (01/05/91)

In article <1991Jan4.212837.17108@cs.umn.edu>, barichel@cs.umn.edu
(Carlos Barichello) writes:
|> Hi,
|> I need to find information on how to compile a c++
|> program that makes calls to the InterViews library.

     I use the following command line command line:

	/usr/local/InterViews/bin/CC -I/usr/local/InterViews/include foo.c \
		/usr/local/InterViews/lib/sun4/libInterViewsX11.a -o foo

Of course, this line is dependent upon where InterViews resides on your

|> Are there any newsgroups dedicated to InterViews?

     There is an InterViews mailing list.  Requests for additional or
deletion from the list can be sent to:


Messages for the entire list should be sent to:


George J Wu                           | gwu@tcs.com or uunet!tcs!gwu
Software Engineer                     | 2201 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA, 94730
Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752

mclay@cme.nist.gov (Michael Mclay) (01/07/91)

In article <1991Jan4.212837.17108@cs.umn.edu> barichel@cs.umn.edu (Carlos Barichello) writes:

   I need to find information on how to compile a c++
   program that makes calls to the InterViews library.

If InterViews is already built on your machine look for a command
named "ivmkmf".  This will build a Makefile from an Imakefile for
InterViews.  This assumes you have an Imakefile already.  You might
try taking the one of the InterViews tutorials, found in
iv/src/tutorial/t*, as a starting point and modify the Imakefile as

   Are there any newsgroups dedicated to InterViews?

I'm not aware of a newsgroup, but there is a mailing list.  I think
you send mail to interviews-requests@interviews.stanford.edu to get on
the list. Otherwise you might try interviews@interviews.stanford.edu.

Michael J. McLay
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bld 220 Rm A355 (office), Bld 220 Rm A150 (mail)
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, (301)975-4099

glenn@huxley.huxley.bitstream.com (Glenn P. Parker) (01/08/91)

In article <MCLAY.91Jan6141206@thud.cme.nist.gov> mclay@cme.nist.gov (Michael Mclay) writes:
> In article <1991Jan4.212837.17108@cs.umn.edu> barichel@cs.umn.edu (Carlos Barichello) writes:
>>    Are there any newsgroups dedicated to InterViews?
> I think you send mail to interviews-requests@interviews.stanford.edu to
> get on the list.                           ^
                        *Close, but not quite!*

Try "interviews-request@interviews.stanford.edu" instead.

> Otherwise you might try interviews@interviews.stanford.edu.

Oh please please please stop sending mailing-list related stuff to this
address.  Thank you.

Glenn P. Parker       glenn@bitstream.com       Bitstream, Inc.
                      uunet!huxley!glenn        215 First Street
                      BIX: parker               Cambridge, MA 02142-1270