[comp.lang.c++] HELP: TC++ and Paradox

mills@qut.edu.au (01/05/91)


 before I make a complete fool of myself, has anyone had any trouble
with turbo C++ and borlands paradox(together that is!).
I cannot get it to link if i use C++(.cpp) but if i compile it and link it
as a "normal" C program everything is fine.  This happens with IDE
 and with commmand line versions.  If there isn't a bug with either paradox
or Turbo C++ I will post more info, but right now I am hving trouble with
my terminal emulation package!.

Please email me at:

Thanks in advance,

Tim mills 
PC Support Specialist
Computer based Education
Queensland uni of Tech.

beoneel@well.sf.ca.us (Bruce O'Neel) (01/08/91)

mills@qut.edu.au writes:


> before I make a complete fool of myself, has anyone had any trouble
>with turbo C++ and borlands paradox(together that is!).
>I cannot get it to link if i use C++(.cpp) but if i compile it and link it
>as a "normal" C program everything is fine.  This happens with IDE
> and with commmand line versions.  If there isn't a bug with either paradox
>or Turbo C++ I will post more info, but right now I am hving trouble with
>my terminal emulation package!.

>Please email me at:

>Thanks in advance,

>Tim mills 
>PC Support Specialist
>Computer based Education
>Queensland uni of Tech.

extern "C" { 
at the beginning and
at the end of pxengine.h  This turns off name mangeling for safe linking for
