[comp.lang.c++] New posting of Trellis manuals with phone #

norcott@databs.enet.dec.com (Bill Norcott) (01/10/91)

	In a previous posting I left out the phone number and also the
	order number for the complete Trellis doc set.  I have received
	several mail requests for this, so here it is:


          Introduction                           AA-PBTKA-TE

          Guide to Programming                   AA-NG90A-TE

          Language ReferenceManual               AA-NG91A-TE

          Type Library Reference Manual          AA-NG92A-TE


          You can order all of the Trellis manuals with the order number
          QA-YLVAA-GZ. 	The manuals may be ordered in the United States 
	  by calling Digital tool-free at 1-800-DIGITAL.

	Bill Norcott
	Digital Equipment Corporation