[comp.lang.c++] c++ to c convertor.

G.Joly@cs.ucl.ac.uk (Gordon Joly) (01/09/91)

Please respond to me, Andy and/or this list.
Many thanks,

Gordon Joly                                       +44 71 387 7050 ext 3716
Internet: G.Joly@cs.ucl.ac.uk          UUCP: ...!{uunet,ukc}!ucl-cs!G.Joly
Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, LONDON WC1E 6BT

------- Forwarded Message
> From: andrew simmons <andys@uk.ac.ucl.sm.mph>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 91 09:20:43 GMT
Subject: c++ to c convertor

I'm looking for a c++ to c convertor (preferably public domain). I'm informed
that such things excist, but despite a lot of searching, I've not managed to
track one down. Amy information would be most gratefully received. Could you
please respond to me and I'll summarise if there is enough interest.

        Andy Simmons

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Simmons                   JANET   : andys@uk.ac.ucl.sm.mph
Dept. of  Medical Physics,       BITNET  : andys%uk.ac.ucl.sm.mph@ukacrl.bitnet
University College London,       INTERNET: andys@mph.sm.ucl.ac.uk
Capper St, LONDON WC1E 6JA, UK.  Tel:071-380-9700     Fax:071-380-9577
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jsj@acl.lanl.gov (John Stephen Junkins) (01/11/91)

   >> ..Know of a good c++ to c converter?.....

   Well, Why not use AT&T's C++ compiler (CC, C-front) with the -Fc option.  Remember
that CC is merely a pre-compiler which converts C++ to C, then invokes the good old 
C compiler.  The -Fc option just spits out the C code without invoking the C compiler.

  I might add that c++ to c is moving in the wrong direction and a few of our readers
might be shaking their fingers at you.
