[comp.lang.c++] Copy constructors

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (01/09/91)

I'm looking for an interpretation of what is said in the ARM.  In section
12.8, it talks about copy constructors and generating bitwise copies and/or
bitwise assignments and:

	"The programmer may define one or both of these.  If not defined
	by the programmer, they will be defined as memberwise assignment
	and memberwise initialization of the members of X, respectively."

How is memberwise assignment or initialization meant to handle virtual
functions and the hidden virtual function table pointer?  Is the Vtabptr left
alone in this?

The reason I ask this has to do with transmitting of objects from one process
to another.  Assuming that type of the object is known after transmission, it
should be possible to cast the transmission buffer to that type and copy
construct a true object of that type using the buffer as input.  Does this
make sense with respect to section 12.8 in the ARM?
David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
(415) 691-6311					640 Clyde Ct.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mtn. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"

jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu (Joe Buck) (01/09/91)

In article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.91Jan8174302@uunet.UU.NET>, cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
|> I'm looking for an interpretation of what is said in the ARM.  In section
|> 12.8, it talks about copy constructors and generating bitwise copies and/or
|> bitwise assignments and:
|> 	"The programmer may define one or both of these.  If not defined
|> 	by the programmer, they will be defined as memberwise assignment
|> 	and memberwise initialization of the members of X, respectively."
|> How is memberwise assignment or initialization meant to handle virtual
|> functions and the hidden virtual function table pointer?  Is the Vtabptr left
|> alone in this?

That is implementation-specific.  An implementation doesn't even have to
have a "Vtabptr"; it could use a different method.  In practice, any
constructor for class Foo simply sets the virtual function table pointer
to point to the table for class Foo; the copy constructor does not copy

|> The reason I ask this has to do with transmitting of objects from one process
|> to another.  Assuming that type of the object is known after transmission, it
|> should be possible to cast the transmission buffer to that type and copy
|> construct a true object of that type using the buffer as input.  Does this
|> make sense with respect to section 12.8 in the ARM?

You're completely on your own; the ARM doesn't deal with any of the
issues you will encounter here.  I recommend not depending on any
details of how your compiler represents virtual function tables and
pointers to them, or your code may break on a subsequent release of
the compiler.

The details depend on your design constraints.  Will you pass the
data across a network?  If so, will you need to support multiple
architectures?  Then your data may need to be byte-swapped and who
knows what else.  People have solved this problem by using standard
external data representations; you'll want classes that isolate the
responsibility for doing this so all the ugliness is in one place.
The packet you send will need to have a data field that identifies
the type in some way, and you'll need to make sure that all your
processes agree on this coding (by having it be private to one class
and linking in that class to all your processes, say).

Joe Buck
jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu	 {uunet,ucbvax}!galileo.berkeley.edu!jbuck	

tom@elan.Elan.COM (Thomas Smith) (01/10/91)

From article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.91Jan8174302@uunet.UU.NET>, by cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson):
> [ copy constructor definition deleted ]
> How is memberwise assignment or initialization meant to handle virtual
> functions and the hidden virtual function table pointer?  Is the Vtabptr left
> alone in this?
> The reason I ask this has to do with transmitting of objects from one process
> to another.  Assuming that type of the object is known after transmission, it
> should be possible to cast the transmission buffer to that type and copy
> construct a true object of that type using the buffer as input.  Does this
> make sense with respect to section 12.8 in the ARM?

Rather than doing the cast in your above example, you might try
overloading the 'new' operator.  Define a new operator for your specific
class that takes an additional pointer as a parameter.  Your 'new'
operator function would then take the passed pointer and use it in place
of the usual free store.  This will set up the virtual function table for
you.  There are examples of this technique in most manuals that I've
seen - it is also used for implementing class-specific memory management.

Hope this helps,
    Thomas Smith
    Elan Computer Group, Inc.
    (415) 964-2200
    tom@elan.com, ...!{ames, uunet, hplabs}!elan!tom

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (01/11/91)

>>>>> On 9 Jan 91 21:15:58 GMT, tom@elan.Elan.COM (Thomas Smith) said:

Thomas> Rather than doing the cast in your above example, you might try
Thomas> overloading the 'new' operator.  Define a new operator for your
Thomas> specific class that takes an additional pointer as a parameter.  Your
Thomas> 'new' operator function would then take the passed pointer and use it
Thomas> in place of the usual free store.  This will set up the virtual
Thomas> function table for you.  There are examples of this technique in most
Thomas> manuals that I've seen - it is also used for implementing
Thomas> class-specific memory management.

Hmmm, what references are you refering to?  This sounds like an interesting
idea.  I need to see some examples.
David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
(415) 691-6311					640 Clyde Ct.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mtn. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"

mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot) (01/13/91)

David Masterson asks about the effect of casting bits to create an object:
> Assuming that type of the object is known after transmission, it
> should be possible to cast the transmission buffer to that type and copy
> construct a true object of that type using the buffer as input.

It may indeed be possible, but as Joe Buck pointed out it may be neither
portable nor guaranteed to work by any of the language's rules.  The mechanics
of virtual functions are clearly implementation-dependent (as they should be).

Assuming you really want to pursue a design based on assembling bits in a buffer
and not on using constructors to build up the objects, then you may be able to
rely on the semantics of operator new.  Specifically, the use of a ``placement

The number and type of arguments are up to you -- #include <new.h>, declare the
operator new() that you need, and you may be able to develop the kind of 
solution you are after.  Rather than a cast, you would ``allocate'' a new object
and provide arguments to operator new() and/or the class' constructor.  You can
then dereference the pointer thus obtained and treat the resulting object in
the usual way.

Obviously, this design approach is a bit tricky, and requires careful 
cooperation between operator new, the constructor(s), and the destructor for
the class.  But it's more portable than relying on the result of a cast.
More importantly, it stays within the type system.

Hope this helps,

Mike Vilot,  ObjectWare Inc, Nashua NH
mjv@objects.mv.com  (UUCP:  ...!decvax!zinn!objects!mjv)