[comp.lang.c++] C++ and Motif, together again

gwu@tcs.com (George Wu) (01/13/91)

     Has anyone out there used Motif extensively from within C++ code?  I'm
starting just such a project, and would like to hear of other people's
experience.  Any bugaboos to avoid?  Any war stories?

     Experiences with any platform and software combination will be
appreciated.  I'll be working primarily on SPARCstations, but the final target
is an HP 9000/300.  Other software parameters include Saber C++ (for
development on the Suns), and both Motif 1.0 and 1.1.  The HP compiler will
probably be HP's compiler, ie. at least AT&T Cfront 2.0 compliant.

     Followups to comp.lang.c++, please.  I will summarize if there are enough
requests.  Thanks much in advance.


George J Wu                           | gwu@tcs.com or uunet!tcs!gwu
Software Engineer                     | 2201 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA, 94730
Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752