jmc (02/15/83)
The third book in the Hitchhikers guide series, "Life, The Universe, and Everything", is quite good. I don't know whether I would put down $9.95 for a hardcover version, since I only put down about $5 and got it from the Science Fiction Book Club. It is available in paperback in England, so if you know anyone there, have them send you a copy. The material in the book is totally new, and is not in either the radio or TV series. Jeremy Cohen Brown University !brunix!jmc
leichter (02/15/83)
LtUaE (Life, the Universe, and Everything - about time we "acronymed" it!) was available in Boston in paperback (the English edition) several months back. Probably still is... I've bought all three of the HHG books in the English paperback form (for con- sistency, since that's the way I bought the first one) and have always wished for a "physical diff" so I could find out EXACTLY how the differed from the American versions. -- Jerry decvax!yale-comix!leichter BTW, since people are bound to ask: I found the books at the Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore (or something like that) right near Harvard Square. (They are right across the street from the Kennedy school.) It's quite possible that now that an American edition is available they will no longer carry the British; I bought it in late September/early October. (it = LtUaE) It cost $4.50, so this is NOT the penny-pincher's method of buying...) -- J
kaufman (02/15/83)
For the further information of Boston-area dwellers, LtUaE (somehow it doesn't "acronym" as well as the others) was available in the Harvard Coop in British paperback two weekends ago. It'll probably be there 'till the American paperback comes out, in about 8 months. David Kaufman decvax!yale-comix!kaufman