[comp.lang.c++] ARM - where and when?

d7stfax@dtek.chalmers.se (Stefan Axelsson) (01/08/91)

Title says most of it, where do we get ARM, and when do we do it? We
remember vaguely hearing that there's a new edition around early this
year, did we hear it right?
Please note that we are based in Europe.

		Stefan Axelsson and Magnus Bengtsson

bs@alice.att.com (Bjarne Stroustrup) (01/08/91)

d7stfax@dtek.chalmers.se (Stefan Axelsson @ Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.) writes

 > Title says most of it, where do we get ARM, and when do we do it? We
 > remember vaguely hearing that there's a new edition around early this
 > year, did we hear it right?
 > Please note that we are based in Europe.

You should have been able to get a copy of the ARM from or through your
local bookstore at any time since May'90. When I lived in Denmark, I ordered
all my major books from an English bookstore, though, to avoid getting hit
by the delays and exhorbitant prices imposed by the local academic
bookstores. You might consider doing something similar. I found that
even after paying air mails, shipping fees, and insurance I came out
ahead. For a poor student the difference was significant.

The reference is:

	Ellis&Stroustrup: The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
	Addison-Wesley, 1990
	ISBN 0-201-51459-1

There is no new edition done or planned. There have been several new
printings already and some minor corrections have been made. As ever,
I have posted such errata to the net to ensure that (given the errata)
all printings are equivalent. I'll post or mail the errata on request.

fischer@iesd.auc.dk (Lars P. Fischer) (01/09/91)

>>>>> On 8 Jan 91 12:52:34 GMT, bs@alice.att.com (Bjarne Stroustrup) said:

Bjarne> You should have been able to get a copy of the ARM from or
Bjarne> through your local bookstore at any time since May'90. When I
Bjarne> lived in Denmark, I ordered all my major books from an English
Bjarne> bookstore, though, to avoid getting hit by the delays and
Bjarne> exhorbitant prices imposed by the local academic bookstores.

I picked up a copy of the ARM in the local university bookstore for
around $54. Considering the current state of the US dollars, it's not
*that* bad -- you can't really expect the price to drop as fast as the
dollar :-) Yes, I could probably have saved a few dollars, but it
isn't really worth the trouble.


dpg@extro.ucc.su.oz.au (D P Gilbert) (01/09/91)

bs@alice.att.com (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:

>d7stfax@dtek.chalmers.se (Stefan Axelsson @ Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.) writes

> > Title says most of it, where do we get ARM, and when do we do it? We
> > remember vaguely hearing that there's a new edition around early this
> > year, did we hear it right?
> > Please note that we are based in Europe.

>You should have been able to get a copy of the ARM from or through your
>local bookstore at any time since May'90. When I lived in Denmark, I ordered
>all my major books from an English bookstore, though, to avoid getting hit
>by the delays and exhorbitant prices imposed by the local academic
>bookstores. You might consider doing something similar. I found that
>even after paying air mails, shipping fees, and insurance I came out
>ahead. For a poor student the difference was significant.

>The reference is:

>	Ellis&Stroustrup: The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
>	Addison-Wesley, 1990
>	ISBN 0-201-51459-1

>There is no new edition done or planned. There have been several new
>printings already and some minor corrections have been made. As ever,
>I have posted such errata to the net to ensure that (given the errata)
>all printings are equivalent. I'll post or mail the errata on request.

Lest Bjarne shortchange his homeland, DTH (Danish Technical "High
School") in Copenhagen was selling the ARM at a quite reasonable
price (around 350 DK) last September. (Also worthy of note: a bookshop
in Sydney is selling the ARM at $A35 (about $US27) at the moment.)

plim@hpsgwp.sgp.hp.com (Peter Lim) (01/10/91)

If you are coming to South East Asia in the near future, you might consider
buying ARM here (Singapore, Malaysia etc. etc.). I just bought my copy
last week for S$28 (US$1 ~= S$1.7). i.e. about US$17. It is an ASIAN EDITION.
Looks exactly like the US version, same hard cover, except for a small red
sticker on the spine saying that it is an ASIAN EDITION. It started to appear
in the book store here only about a few weeks ago (so there's probably
about half to one year lag in availability compared to in US). .... But it 
is here now !

Regards,     . .. ... .- -> -->## Life is fast enough as it is ........
Peter Lim.                     ## .... DON'T PUSH IT !!          >>>-------,
                               ########################################### :
E-mail:  plim@hpsgwg.HP.COM     Snail-mail:  Hewlett Packard Singapore,    :
Tel:     (065)-279-2289                      (ICDS, ICS)                   |
Telnet:        520-2289                      1150 Depot Road,           __\@/__
                                             Singapore   0410.           SPLAT !

#include <standard_disclaimer.hpp>

ksand@Apple.COM (Kent Sandvik) (01/14/91)

In article <5030001@hpsgwp.sgp.hp.com> plim@hpsgwp.sgp.hp.com (Peter Lim) writes:
>If you are coming to South East Asia in the near future, you might consider
>buying ARM here (Singapore, Malaysia etc. etc.). I just bought my copy
>last week for S$28 (US$1 ~= S$1.7). i.e. about US$17. It is an ASIAN EDITION.
>Looks exactly like the US version, same hard cover, except for a small red
>sticker on the spine saying that it is an ASIAN EDITION. It started to appear
>in the book store here only about a few weeks ago (so there's probably
>about half to one year lag in availability compared to in US). .... But it 
>is here now !

Just FYI, I've seen Stroustrup's classical C++ book printed in Hongkong, and
it was a cloned, ripped off, "no money back to the originator" edition.

You usually recognize these pirated books from the cover; cheap imitations
of the real ones. I would not personally support buying these pirated versions,
don't know if the book above one is a pirated or not, but the ASIAN edition
label sounds weird.

Remember, buying cheap pirated copyright violated books (or software) will
decrease the willingness to produce more.

Kent Sandvik

Kent Sandvik, Apple Computer Inc, Developer Technical Support
NET:ksand@apple.com, AppleLink: KSAND  DISCLAIMER: Private mumbo-jumbo
Zippy++ says: "The ANSI C++ Standard should be an object oriented model"

philip@pescadero.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) (01/14/91)

In article <48047@apple.Apple.COM>, ksand@Apple.COM (Kent Sandvik) writes:
|> Just FYI, I've seen Stroustrup's classical C++ book printed in Hongkong, and
|> it was a cloned, ripped off, "no money back to the originator" edition.
|> You usually recognize these pirated books from the cover; cheap imitations
|> of the real ones. I would not personally support buying these pirated versions,
|> don't know if the book above one is a pirated or not, but the ASIAN edition
|> label sounds weird.
|> Remember, buying cheap pirated copyright violated books (or software) will
|> decrease the willingness to produce more.
A few years back, I came across Taiwanese editions of Computer Science texts.
They were printed on cheap paper, at very low prices, and were labelled not
for sale in other parts of the world. I had no reason to believe they were
"clones" at the time. I've also come across "international" editions from
big publishers, where the hardcover is claimed to be at paperback price.
(Not everyone is as rich as the average US student.)

So while it is possible that there is illegal "cloning" going on, don't
jump to the conclusion that any obviously non-US version of a book is in
this category.
Philip Machanick

ken@csis.dit.csiro.au (Ken Yap) (01/14/91)

>>If you are coming to South East Asia in the near future, you might consider
>>buying ARM here (Singapore, Malaysia etc. etc.). I just bought my copy
>>last week for S$28 (US$1 ~= S$1.7). i.e. about US$17. It is an ASIAN EDITION.
>Just FYI, I've seen Stroustrup's classical C++ book printed in Hongkong, and
>it was a cloned, ripped off, "no money back to the originator" edition.
>You usually recognize these pirated books from the cover; cheap imitations
>of the real ones. I would not personally support buying these pirated versions,
>don't know if the book above one is a pirated or not, but the ASIAN edition
>label sounds weird.

Take it easy. Some are legit. I got The Design and Implementation of
the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System for S$28 hardcover, Koenig's C Traps
and Pitfalls for S$12.20.  PH has also been selling paperback student
editions of Tannenbaum's books for a long time.

If you look inside an AW book you'll see AW has offices in Singapore.

plim@hpsgwp.sgp.hp.com (Peter Lim) (01/14/91)

/ ksand@Apple.COM (Kent Sandvik) /  9:24 am  Jan 14, 1991 / writes:

$ Just FYI, I've seen Stroustrup's classical C++ book printed in Hongkong, and
$ it was a cloned, ripped off, "no money back to the originator" edition.
Possible. There were cheap K&R C book printed in India (looks like they
were printed on toilet paper). They were going for about $10 a pop.

$ You usually recognize these pirated books from the cover; cheap imitations
$ of the real ones. I would not personally support buying these pirated versions,
$ don't know if the book above one is a pirated or not, but the ASIAN edition
$ label sounds weird.
The ASIAN edition is perfectly legal. I don't know where exactly they were
printed in; but apparently Addison Wesley (as well as McGraw-Hill etc.)
has a policy to release the cheaper version in Asian a few months after
the introduction in USA. ... There is a time difference. So, you can't
get it cheap if you cannot wait.

Regards,     . .. ... .- -> -->## Life is fast enough as it is ........
Peter Lim.                     ## .... DON'T PUSH IT !!          >>>-------,
                               ########################################### :
E-mail:  plim@hpsgwg.HP.COM     Snail-mail:  Hewlett Packard Singapore,    :
Tel:     (065)-279-2289                      (ICDS, ICS)                   |
Telnet:        520-2289                      1150 Depot Road,           __\@/__
                                             Singapore   0410.           SPLAT !

#include <standard_disclaimer.hpp>