[comp.lang.c++] GNU C++

deb@svax.cs.cornell.edu (David Baraff) (04/23/88)

[Note: Please EMAIL responses, as I don't want to add net-bandwidth
       on a topic many don't care to hear, in these two newsgroups].

I'm thinking of using GNU C++. I've been using Bell Labs' 1.2 version
of cfront. The questions I have are

(1) How 'good' is Gnu C++? Does it do everything the 1.2 Bell Labs
    version does? Any serious defficiencies?

(2) How easy is GNU C++ to bring up? Is it supported for the HPUX
    9000/s800? [HP's RISC machine]. Does anyone have gcc working
    for this machine, and could g++ be made from a gcc for the s800

(3) How good is the debugger?

(4) Will it be link compatible with system libraries?

(5) Can anyone who has used both (compilers) give me a definate answer
    of either "Don't try this" or "Try this -- its great?"?

	David Baraff

	deb@svax.cs.cornell.edu	(or)

gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (03/29/90)

Hi.  Has anybody ported GNU C++ to the Amiga?  If so, where can it be
obtained?  What version?

			Thanks, Ralph Seguin

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu     gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu
gilgalad@goliath.eecs.umich.edu   Ralph_Seguin@ub.cc.umich.edu
gilgalad@sparky.eecs.umich.edu    USER6TUN@UMICHUB.BITNET

Ralph Seguin               |  In order to get infinitely many monkeys to type
11010 Lighthouse Dr. #234  | something that actually makes sense, you need to
Belleville, MI 48111       | have infinitely many monkey editors as well.
(313) 697-1048

tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth Jamieson) (01/15/91)

	With the recent posts about g++ I have become a bit concerned.

	As those watching the group know, I am trying to get a project
	going here that will be cross ported to UNIX (curses/motif) and
	MS-DOS (probably Turbo but am open to suggestions).

	I was about to FTP g++-1.37.2a.tar.Z/libg++-1.37.2.tar.Z
	(those are the new "beta" versions.).

	Do they fix many of the bugs mentioned on the net ??

	Do the beta's fix more things than they break ;-) ???

	Is there anyone there that does port from UNIX/g++ to MSDOS (any) ?


========[ Xanadu Enterprises Inc. Amiga & Unix Software Development]=======
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