[comp.lang.c++] Zortech debugger

bagpiper@oxy.edu (Michael Paul Hunter) (03/14/89)

I own the Zortech c++ compiler.  Today I received a piece of advertisement from
them advertising, among other things, a debugger.  One of the claims is that
it is "...the most sophisticated source level debugger now available."	I have
used codeview a tad and the Turbo Debugger quite a bit.  Could somebody
currently using this product compare it to one of the two.  Actually after
rereading this advertisement I guess the c++ debugger is not available yet, but
is an enhancement of the c debugger...a little info about that might be useful.
Also, is the c++ tools worth the $99 or are similar things available in the pd.

Thank you for any comments and Thank you Mr. Bright for providing a useful
c++ COMPILER for ms-dos!

ps. Any rumors about whether or not Borland will get in the c++ compiler


Michael Hunter	       UUCP  : ....{rutgers, ames}!cit-vax!oxy!bagpiper
Box 241 	       ARPA  : bagpiper@oxy.edu
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA 90041	 I also hack for MicroCosm, Inc.

s30804f@puukko.hut.fi (Harri Tapio Pasanen) (05/24/89)

Has anyone any experience using the Zortech's advertised symbolic debugger?
How does it work with C++ compiler, and what version of the compiler does
it require?

bright@nazgul.UUCP (Walter Bright) (01/17/91)

In article <1991Jan11.013822.4214@aucs.AcadiaU.ca> 880716a@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Dave Astels) writes:
/My program uses a BISON generated parser.  It works fin when given small
/input files.  However it locks up when given a large (realisticly sized)
/file.  When I run it in the debugger (ZDB 2.0) it works wonderfully.  No
/problems at all!
/Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing this sort of

It is very probably an uninitialized variable being referenced. The variable
will start out at different values when run under DOS or under a debugger.
Unfortunately, these are one of the most difficult problems to track down.
I suggest putting a few printf's into your program at strategic points and
try and narrow down where the problem might be.