[comp.lang.c++] Zortech 2.0 vs Turbo C++ professional

tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth Jamieson) (01/17/91)


	I am still in search of a good C++ for Dos, and have looked
into getting a 2.0 ref book. I looked it over and I can live with 2.0
(I am used to 2.1).

	So I looked into Turbo C++ Professional. The box looks nice,
and I like the type of environment that is. (I use a lot of QuickC).
The street proce for professional is 179$, and the normal Turbo C++ is
79$ ish.

	And then someone said Zortech C++ .. the price I saw is only
169$ and everyone seems impressed .. I have seen nothing about it on
the net.

	1) What is the diff between Turbo C++ and Turbo C++ professional.
	2) Is there a Zortech C++ professional ???
	3) How does Turbo and Zortech compare LANGUAGE wise.
	4) How do they compare environment wise ???


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=========== Ken Jamieson: uunet!tronsbox.xei.com!tron1  ===================
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rmich@Lise.Unit.NO (Rolf Michelsen) (01/17/91)

Kenneth Jamieson ask about Zortech C++ and differences between Zortech C++ and Turbo C++. I have been using Zortech for a (long) while and have had the chance to try Turbo C++ for some minor projects. Here is my answers to Kenneth's questions:

> 1) What is the diff between Turbo C++ and Turbo C++ professional.

The biggest difference is (to my knowledge) the inclusion of the stand alone Turbo Assembler and Debugger in the Professional version. The standard edition includes an integrated debugger. 

> 2) Is there a Zortech C++ professional???

There is a Zortech C++ Developers Edition which is more 'professional' than the standard edition. The Developers Edition includes C and C++ compilers, the Zortech Workbench (Editor), C++ Debugger, Library source and a library (with source) of commonly used C++ classes (linked lists, stacks, binary trees, text windows etc.)

> 3) How does Turbo and Zortech compare LANGUAGE wise.

They are rather similar except that Zortech has not (yet) implemented the changes to the stream library in C++ version 2. The reason for this was given somewhere in the manuals, but I don't remember. (It will probably appear sometime.) It seems to me that Zortech have a better optimiser if code size means something.

> 4) How do they compare environment wise ???

There is a difference in philosophy between the two: Turbo has integrated the editor, compiler, debugger and other tools in one large program. Zortech has a lot of different programs that can be run separately from the command line. Zortech also offers an integrated environment (very Turbo-ish) with the new Zortech Workbench. This editor is rather good looking, but I'm afraid that in version 2.1 it is not entirely finished as some important features seems to be missing (autoindent for example). Both enviro

nments are rather equal and there is little point in looking for differences. In my opinion the debugger interface is slightly better in Zortech. I feel that Zortech has succeeded in creating a very intuitive interface.

Hope this is of some help. 

Rolf Michelsen					rmich@lise.unit.no
Studpost 130
7034 Trondheim NTH

bright@nazgul.UUCP (Walter Bright) (01/21/91)

In article <688@tronsbox.xei.com> tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth Jamieson) writes:
/	2) Is there a Zortech C++ professional ???

Yes. It is called the Developer's Edition, and it includes full source to
the library (including floating point), our C++ Tools package (a class
library) and the C++ debugger. Source to the graphics package is
available separately.

/	3) How does Turbo and Zortech compare LANGUAGE wise.

They are roughly equivalent. Interestingly, people who develop with ZTC++
and port to TC++ complain a lot about bugs in TC++. People who develop
with TC++ and port to ZTC++ complain about bugs in ZTC++.

/	4) How do they compare environment wise ???

Zortech's environment is oriented towards large multi-file projects.

The main advantages of ZTC++:
o	ZTC++, because it uses protected mode, can compile far larger
	programs without thrashing or running out of memory.
o	ZTC++ compiles faster, especially on large source files. *
o	ZTC++ generates much faster/smaller code. *
o	ZTC++ has support for Windows, OS/2, Rational's 286 DOS Extender
	and Pharlap's 386 DOS Extender (yes, our 386 version generates
	32 bit applications).

* Based on an independent comparison of the two compilers available from
the Ladd Group, (303) 641-5418.

Further information can be obtained by calling Zortech at 800-848-8408
and requesting a brochure.

P.S. I work for Zortech.