[comp.lang.c++] GNU g++ not ready for anything at all.

maxwebb@ogicse.ogi.edu (Max G. Webb) (01/15/91)

This may not be an appropriate message; oh well...

Just as a data point for everybody out there deciding whether
to use g++: Last semester I wrote a neural net simulator in g++;
I already had some experience in c++ (AT&Ts version), and in
other OOPL's, and have been a programmer since '78.

My impression was that the bugginess of the implementation has
*DOUBLED* my implementation time. Recent releases (37.1) only
seem to add to my work, by failing to compile code that used to work.

So if you value your time (which it will waste), or your hair (which
you will tear out), or your cool (which you will lose),
go somewhere else. g++ will bring you mucho pain.


daves@curie.ces.CWRU.Edu (Dave Stoutamire) (01/15/91)

In article <16008@ogicse.ogi.edu> maxwebb@ogicse.ogi.edu (Max G. Webb) writes:

   Just as a data point for everybody out there deciding whether
   to use g++: Last semester I wrote a neural net simulator in g++;
   I already had some experience in c++ (AT&Ts version), and in
   other OOPL's, and have been a programmer since '78.

   My impression was that the bugginess of the implementation has
   *DOUBLED* my implementation time. Recent releases (37.1) only
   seem to add to my work, by failing to compile code that used to work.

   So if you value your time (which it will waste), or your hair (which
   you will tear out), or your cool (which you will lose),
   go somewhere else. g++ will bring you mucho pain.

I have a similar view after spending the last year using g++.  However,
I am still using it, and recommend it, because:

	o  It is free.  Whaddya want?

	o  It isn't THAT bad.  Most of the errors I found were cosmetic
	   rather than fatal (i.e., bogus warnings).  All the problems
	   I DID find were work-around-able, once I knew that they were
	   compiler bugs and not my own.

	o  Response time on reported bugs is pretty good.  There are
	   people working on them as we speak.  G++ is getting better.

	o  A bug-free g++ is a Very Good Thing for the world to have.
	   The more people use it and report bugs, the faster this goal
	   will be approached.  The other compilers also have bugs.

So yes, it has problems, but I think they are worth overlooking for the
moment so the world does get a solid free c++ compiler.  In the short term,
you're right: it's a buggy compiler.  In the long term, it is a very
good compiler whose development time was worth waiting for.  Gcc took
a while too, but look at it now.  G++ is fairly recent in comparison.
   daves@alpha.ces.cwru.edu  |   David Stoutamire, 
                             |   gradual student of Computer Engineering
   (216) 368-5038            |   at Case Western Reserve University

rjc@cs.ucla.edu (Robert Collins) (01/15/91)

In article <16008@ogicse.ogi.edu> maxwebb@ogicse.ogi.edu (Max G. Webb) writes:
>This may not be an appropriate message; oh well...

My experience with g++ has been very different.

>Just as a data point for everybody out there deciding whether
>to use g++: Last semester I wrote a neural net simulator in g++;
>I already had some experience in c++ (AT&Ts version), and in
>other OOPL's, and have been a programmer since '78.

I have used g++ for a couple of years now, and have spewed out
over 100,000 lines of g++ code.

>My impression was that the bugginess of the implementation has
>*DOUBLED* my implementation time. Recent releases (37.1) only
>seem to add to my work, by failing to compile code that used to work.

While I have encountered numerous bugs in various versions of
g++, my coding time was rarely affected very much.  In general,
Michael's support has been incredible.  In critical cases, he
has sent me a patch within a day (more than once in about 15
minutes---at 2am!).  Also, Michael was very responsive to my
critical need for named return values.

Max, did you report the bugs that you encountered?  If not, I have
no sympathy for you, and I hope everyone ignores your whining.
If you did, what kind of response did you get?  How did it compare
to the response to cfront bug reports?  Why didn't you switch to

>So if you value your time (which it will waste), or your hair (which
>you will tear out), or your cool (which you will lose),
>go somewhere else. g++ will bring you mucho pain.

I am a very satisfied g++ customer.  It has not wasted my time,
I have a full head of hair (a little gray, but that is due to the
women in my life--past and present, not g++ :-).  It has not
caused me to lose my cool, and has been surprising painless.


rob collins
rjc@cs.ucla.edu	                    CM++ on the CM2:  The only way to fly.

grunwald@foobar.colorado.edu (Dirk Grunwald) (01/15/91)

> While I have encountered numerous bugs in various versions of
> g++, my coding time was rarely affected very much.  In general,
> Michael's support has been incredible.  In critical cases, he
> has sent me a patch within a day (more than once in about 15

While this was true in the past, I must admit that I'm not certain
it's true now. Granted, Cygnus & Michael have been putting
considerable time into GCC-2, but g++ has really suffered for that
effort. It's been several months since the last release, and numerous
known bugs persist. Recent bug reports don't get much action other
than ``fixed in v2''.

Others (me included) have done some debugging and made fixes on a
variety of machines, but without knowing what bugs have and haven't
been fixed by ``G++ central'', you don't know what work you're
duplicating (& time you're wasting). There's not much incentive to
make extensive fixes.

If I could afford it, I too would use SaberC++ (which *is* available,
according to an ad I got). The cost is less than a contract for a
working g++ from Cygnus and significantly less than the cost of
hacking it myself (because my research time would go down the toilet).

vaughan@mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) (01/15/91)

   From: rjc@cs.ucla.edu (Robert Collins)
   In article <16008@ogicse.ogi.edu> maxwebb@ogicse.ogi.edu (Max G. Webb) writes:
   >This may not be an appropriate message; oh well...

   My experience with g++ has been very different.

   >Just as a data point for everybody out there deciding whether
   >to use g++: Last semester I wrote a neural net simulator in g++;
   >I already had some experience in c++ (AT&Ts version), and in
   >other OOPL's, and have been a programmer since '78.

   I have used g++ for a couple of years now, and have spewed out
   over 100,000 lines of g++ code.

   >My impression was that the bugginess of the implementation has
   >*DOUBLED* my implementation time. Recent releases (37.1) only
   >seem to add to my work, by failing to compile code that used to work.

   While I have encountered numerous bugs in various versions of
   g++, my coding time was rarely affected very much.  In general,
   Michael's support has been incredible.  In critical cases, he
   has sent me a patch within a day (more than once in about 15
   minutes---at 2am!).  Also, Michael was very responsive to my
   critical need for named return values.

. . .

   I am a very satisfied g++ customer.  It has not wasted my time,
   I have a full head of hair (a little gray, but that is due to the
   women in my life--past and present, not g++ :-).  It has not
   caused me to lose my cool, and has been surprising painless.

I can believe both stories. I've also used g++ for about 2 years and
work with a program with about 100,000 lines. G++ definitely wasted a
lot of our time, mostly through bugs in multiple inheritance. On the
other hand Tiemann definitely did provide rather awesome support. My
impression is that both properties have changed significantly. There
are a lot fewer bugs (but there are still bugs) and support is less
forthcoming unless you pay for it. Also, g++ changes pretty rapidly,
there should be a 2.0 version (don't ask me when, but I know it's in
the making) that will radically change the quality issue. If you're
choosing a c++ compiler, I'd say the biggest consideration is the
debugger.  Get one that has a debugger you can use TODAY. Worry about
other issues when the time comes. I don't have experience with any
other c++ debugger, but I'd rate gdb as marginal to poor. The
situation we're in at the moment makes it almost totally unusable.

 Paul Vaughan, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: vaughan@mcc.com | Phone: [512] 338-3639
 Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720  | UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!vaughan

pawel@cs.UAlberta.CA (Pawel Gburzynski) (01/16/91)

From article <16008@ogicse.ogi.edu>, by maxwebb@ogicse.ogi.edu (Max G. Webb):
> This may not be an appropriate message; oh well...
> Just as a data point for everybody out there deciding whether
> to use g++: Last semester I wrote a neural net simulator in g++;
> I already had some experience in c++ (AT&Ts version), and in
> other OOPL's, and have been a programmer since '78.
> My impression was that the bugginess of the implementation has
> *DOUBLED* my implementation time. Recent releases (37.1) only
> seem to add to my work, by failing to compile code that used to work.
> So if you value your time (which it will waste), or your hair (which
> you will tear out), or your cool (which you will lose),
> go somewhere else. g++ will bring you mucho pain.
> Max

It is not my intention to argue, but I would like to mention an opposite
case. I am about to finish a sizeable package for modelling low-level
communication protocols in g++ and I haven't had a single problem with
the compiler. Of course, I have managed to hit a few bugs, but they were
no problems at all. Some time ago I switched from 1.37.1 to 1.37.2 (beta)
and I didn't experience any mishap whatsoever.

I am using quite a bit of the "object-oriented" stuff, including long
inheritance chains, virtual methods, and multiple inheritance.

The availability of the source code actually *REDUCED* my implementation time
as I was able to move the compiler quickly to other machines and create my
own cozy g++ environment.

			Pawel Gburzynski
			University of Alberta
			Department of Computing Science
			Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G 2H1

benson@odi.com (Benson I. Margulies) (01/17/91)

>Basically, the maintainance upgrades have stopped because Tiemann, Stallman,
>and others are putting all their time into gcc/g++/objective-C version 2.0
>(all three languages in one), which I understand is in pre-alpha state at
>present.  So presumably there will be no official 1.37.2, or a 1.38 version
>of g++, but I could be wrong.  When 2.0 is finally out, I expect it to be
>the first available C++ compiler to support templates and exceptions as
>described in the ARM (that is, you won't be able to buy one from AT&T,
>but you'll be able to get one by FTP), since Tiemann has committed to that.

Just to straighten the record, the C++ translator included with
ObjectStore has included templates for 5 months now.
Benson I. Margulies

don@zardoz.coral.com (Don Dewar) (01/17/91)

) Resent-From: uunet!ai.mit.edu!gnulists
) Return-Path: <gnulists@ai.mit.edu>
) Resent-Date: 14 Jan 91 23:59:53 GMT
) Original-To: gnu-g++-announce@uunet.uu.net
) Path: uunet!ogicse!maxwebb
) From: uunet!cse.ogi.edu!maxwebb (Max G. Webb)
) Sender: uunet!ai.mit.edu!gnulists
) Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++,gnu.g++.announce
) Subject: GNU g++ not ready for anything at all.
) Summary: not suitable for any particular purpose.
) Keywords: Just say no.
) Date: 14 Jan 91 23:59:53 GMT
) References: <1991Jan10.202317.161@ee.ualberta.ca>
) Organization: Oregon Graduate Institute (formerly OGC), Beaverton, OR
) Posted: Mon Jan 14 15:59:53 1991
) To: bug-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
) This may not be an appropriate message; oh well...
) Just as a data point for everybody out there deciding whether
) to use g++: Last semester I wrote a neural net simulator in g++;
) I already had some experience in c++ (AT&Ts version), and in
) other OOPL's, and have been a programmer since '78.
) My impression was that the bugginess of the implementation has
) *DOUBLED* my implementation time. Recent releases (37.1) only
) seem to add to my work, by failing to compile code that used to work.
) So if you value your time (which it will waste), or your hair (which
) you will tear out), or your cool (which you will lose),
) go somewhere else. g++ will bring you mucho pain.
) Max

I have to refute this blasphemy.  I don't know what you were using g++ on,
but I have used g++ on SPARC and AViiON workstations, as well as using
CFront on the AViiON and Glockenspiel on 386/ix's.  When I was doing
my work on AViiON's, my group wrote a rather extenstive program using
CFront 2.0.  Because of some of the merits of g++ (namely gdb support for
g++), we decided to use g++ instead.  The port took about a day, and
we found minor descrepancies over the next week.  From there on in we
kept our code g++ and CFront compatible.  When I moved to my new
position, I took some C++ class that I had written for my own use on
the AViiON's with me to my new job.  Here we have SPARCstations.  I
got g++ from the distribution on uunet and built it along with any
other GNU stuff I needed.  My code compiled, linked and executed
cleanly with one minor exception, that took me an hour to figure out
and fix.  Frankly, I don't know what more you could ask.  Right now,
we have a large application that we have written with g++ and have run
into no major problems with g++.  What more can I say?

  | Coral   |
  |@@*@@**@@|     Don Dewar
  |*@@**@@@@|     Coral Network Corporation, Marlborough, MA
  |@***@@@@@|     Internet: don@coral.com
  |@@**@@@@@|     Phone:    (508) 460-6010
  |*********|     Fax:      (508) 481-6258
  |Networks |

rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) (01/20/91)

In article <2419@bnlux0.bnl.gov> drs@ax61.bnl.gov writes:
+In article <DAVES.91Jan14201919@curie.ces.CWRU.Edu> daves@curie.ces.CWRU.Edu (Dave Stoutamire) writes:
+>	o  Response time on reported bugs is pretty good.  There are
+>	   people working on them as we speak.  G++ is getting better.
+	Is this true? The last time I looked at prep.ai.mit.edu, the g++ code
+had not changed since last spring. Is it considered bug-free now...

Not by me.

+...or do you
+have to subscribe to Mike's company to get any further upgrades?

That is a question in many people's minds.

Michael should answer this question here (in this newsgroup) once and
for all.  I don't believe that I have ever seen him do that.  As long
as he refrains from answering this question publically, people are
going to tend to believe that he has something to hide.  That's just
human nature.

I personally believe that Michael et al will make future upgrades
publically available, but (for their own good) Cygnus should make
some clear statement on this issue so that people will understand
their position.


// Ron Guilmette  -  C++ Entomologist
// Internet: rfg@ncd.com      uucp: ...uunet!lupine!rfg
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

beshers@sun2.brc.uconn.edu (George Beshers) (01/21/91)

# From gnulists@ai.mit.edu@RELAY.CS.NET@life.ai.mit.edu Sun Jan 20 00:08:53 1991
# Received: from brcvax.brc.uconn.edu by sun2.brc.uconn.edu (4.0/SMI-4.0)
# 	id AA03563; Sun, 20 Jan 91 00:08:50 EST
# Received: by brcvax.brc.uconn.edu (5.51/4.7)
# 	id AA09473; Sun, 20 Jan 91 00:01:14 EST
# Received: from relay.cs.net by RELAY.CS.NET id aa16420; 19 Jan 91 12:43 EST
# Received: from life.ai.mit.edu by RELAY.CS.NET id aa01533; 19 Jan 91 12:48 EST
# Received: by life.ai.mit.edu (4.1/AI-4.10) id AA25098; Thu, 17 Jan 91 20:09:56 EST
# Return-Path: <gnulists@ai.mit.edu>
# Received: from rice-chex (rice-chex.ai.mit.edu) by life.ai.mit.edu (4.1/AI-4.10) id AA25080; Thu, 17 Jan 91 20:09:06 EST
# Received: by rice-chex (4.1/AI-4.10) id AA29395; Thu, 17 Jan 91 20:08:49 EST
# Resent-Date: 15 Jan 91 19:54:54 GMT
# Resent-From: gnulists@ai.mit.edu
# Resent-Message-Id: <9101180108.AA29395@rice-chex>
# Received: from mcsun.EU.net by life.ai.mit.edu (4.1/AI-4.10) id AA24647; Thu, 17 Jan 91 19:46:52 EST
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# Received: from escher.isa.de by isaak.isa.de (4.0/SMI-4.0/ISA-1.2)
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# Received: by escher.isa.de (4.0/SMI-4.0)
# 	id AA10084; Fri, 18 Jan 91 00:32:34 +0100
# Original-To: unido!gnu-g++-announce@relay.eu.net
# Path: escher!nadia!smurf!ira.uka.de!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!wuarchive!rice!uw-beaver!ubc-cs!alberta!pawel
# From: Pawel Gburzynski <pawel@cs.ualberta.ca>
# Sender: gnulists@ai.mit.edu
# Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++,gnu.g++.announce
# Subject: Re: GNU g++ not ready for anything at all.
# Message-Id: <1991Jan15.195454.8527@cs.UAlberta.CA>
# Date: 15 Jan 91 19:54:54 GMT
# References: <16008@ogicse.ogi.edu>
# Organization: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
# To: help-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
# Resent-To: help-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
# Received: from relay.cs.net by brcvax.brc.uconn.edu; 19 Jan 91 23:57:27-EST (Sat)
# Status: R
# >From article <16008@ogicse.ogi.edu>, by maxwebb@ogicse.ogi.edu (Max G. Webb):
# > This may not be an appropriate message; oh well...
# > 
# > Just as a data point for everybody out there deciding whether
# > to use g++: Last semester I wrote a neural net simulator in g++;
# > I already had some experience in c++ (AT&Ts version), and in
# > other OOPL's, and have been a programmer since '78.
# > 
# > My impression was that the bugginess of the implementation has
# > *DOUBLED* my implementation time. Recent releases (37.1) only
# > seem to add to my work, by failing to compile code that used to work.
# > 
# > So if you value your time (which it will waste), or your hair (which
# > you will tear out), or your cool (which you will lose),
# > go somewhere else. g++ will bring you mucho pain.
# > 
# > Max
# It is not my intention to argue, but I would like to mention an opposite
# case. I am about to finish a sizeable package for modelling low-level
# communication protocols in g++ and I haven't had a single problem with
# the compiler. Of course, I have managed to hit a few bugs, but they were
# no problems at all. Some time ago I switched from 1.37.1 to 1.37.2 (beta)
# and I didn't experience any mishap whatsoever.
# I am using quite a bit of the "object-oriented" stuff, including long
# inheritance chains, virtual methods, and multiple inheritance.
# The availability of the source code actually *REDUCED* my implementation time
# as I was able to move the compiler quickly to other machines and create my
# own cozy g++ environment.
# 			Pawel Gburzynski
# 			University of Alberta
# 			Department of Computing Science
# 			Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G 2H1

I will add my two cents in; I have found that upgrading C software
is reasonably straight forward.  That inheritance and virtual functions
work fine.  However, constructors and destructors can get called
at `funny' times with the result that some algorithms are hard
to follow---I now have a rule never to try anything algorithm critical
based on constructor and destructor code.  The real problem is
that even with gdb+ and catches to avoid inlining functions
for debugging purposes these errors can be difficult to discover
for experienced C++ programmers and routinely blow my junior and
senior software majors out of the water.  Also, operator overloading
occasionally catches me out by doing something I didn't expect.

I have not used multiple inheritance that much, but there is
no way to understand some of the intricacies without some
understanding of the implementation technique.  This is
also true of the constructors and destructors---at least
in my opinion.

Finally, while C++ is better that C, Pascal, Fortran, ... by a long
shot at creating libraries, and with the addition of templates will
be a serious rival to Ada it is also possible to get unexpected
side effects which make code re-use somewhat treacherous (not that
Ada doesn't have similar problems.)  The result is that I will not
use library code to which I do not have source: it is absolutely
essential for debugging if constructors and destructors don't work
the way you expect for something.

Basically, I think that upward compatibility from C has been the
bane and boon of C++.  A language with most of the constructs of
C++ and a formal definition (see R. Milner, R. Harper, and M. Tofte
``The definition of standard ML'', MIT Press, 1990 for a good
example of what a language definition should be) would be welcome.
NOT that I think B. Stroustrup has done badly.  Rather, I see C++
as an inheritantly experimental language; as such it is a tremendous
success in that it has given a lot of insight into useful programming
techniques which could not have been obtained in any other way.
This does not mean that I would feel happy in a plane where a substantial
amount of onboard software was written in C++; I wouldn't.

			George Beshers