[comp.lang.c++] translator error

fkuhl@maestro.mitre.org (F. S. Kuhl) (01/19/91)

Why does the translator (Sun packaging of AT&T 2.0) object to the
following?  I define in a base class SBName a virtual operator

virtual SBName& operator = (const char *);

which I intend to inherit in a derived class, ObjectName.  In my main
routine I say:

ObjectName myObjName;
myObjName = "hello";

and the translator says of the second line

"consol.cc", line 51: error: bad argument list for ObjectName::ObjectName() (no match against any  ObjectName::ObjectName())

What am I missing?
Frederick Kuhl			fkuhl@mitre.org
Civil Systems Division
The MITRE Corporation

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (01/20/91)

fkuhl@maestro.mitre.org (F. S. Kuhl) writes:

>Why does the translator (Sun packaging of AT&T 2.0) object to the
>following?  I define in a base class SBName a virtual operator

>virtual SBName& operator = (const char *);

>which I intend to inherit in a derived class, ObjectName...

operator= is a special case.  It must be a nonstatic member function
of a class, and is not inherited (E&S 13.4.3, p 334-5).

Briefly, assignment has a predefined meaning for a class object
(memberwise copy).  You are permitted to specify your own assignment
operator for a class (which may do anything at all, and which need not
do any assignment).  It is too dangerous to blindly inherit a base
class assignment operator.  If the programmer specified special
assignment procedures for a class, the compiler cannot make any
assumptions about what should be done for a derived class.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

kaiser@ananke.stgt.sub.org (Andreas Kaiser) (01/22/91)

In a message of <Jan 18 20:50>, F. S. Kuhl (fkuhl@maestro.mitre.org ) writes: 
 FSK> Why does the translator (Sun packaging of AT&T 2.0) object to the
 FSK> following?  I define in a base class SBName a virtual operator

 FSK> virtual SBName& operator = (const char *);

 FSK> which I intend to inherit in a derived class, ObjectName. 

ARM, 13.4.3, page 334:

"The assignment function operator=() must be a nonstatic member function; it is 
not inherited (@12.8). Instead, unless the user defined operator= for a class X, 
operator= is defined, by default, as memberwise assignment of the members of 
class X."
