[comp.lang.c++] Books on C++

A.J.C.Blyth@newcastle.ac.uk (A J C Blyth) (11/28/88)

   Can anyone out there in netland recommend a good book on the C++
language beside Bjarne Stroustrup`s book


seg@smsdpg.uu.net (Scott Garfinkle) (11/30/88)

From article <3830@cheviot.newcastle.ac.uk>, by A.J.C.Blyth@newcastle.ac.uk (A J C Blyth):
>    Can anyone out there in netland recommend a good book on the C++
> language beside Bjarne Stroustrup`s book
Best one I've seen is the "Proceedings and Additional Papers,
USENIX C++ Workshop 1987".  Write to {uunet,ucbvax}!usenix!office (I think)
for ordering info.
		Scott E. Garfinkle
		SMS Data Products Group, Inc.

stt@inmet (12/01/88)

An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and C++,
Wiener and Pinson, Addison-Wesley.

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (01/22/91)

In article <4854@umbc3.UMBC.EDU> gottlieb@umbc5.umbc.edu.UUCP (Mr. Robert Gottlieb) writes:
>I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on any good books to help
>teach yourself C++.  I have access to an ultrix compiler and I
>own Turbo C++.  Thanks in advance.  

 [ FAQ#1 ]

		A Short List of Preferred C++ Texts

With the size of the C++ community continuing to double about every
nine months, many C++ programmers haven't had a chance to complete
their C++ bookshelf.  The below "Short List" of C++ texts attempts
to list favorite C++ texts in many categories, in approximately the
order a new C++ programmer might wish to acquire the texts.  A few good
texts don't appear in this list because they closely overlap other,
more preferred texts in this list.  Specialized texts, not applicable 
to most C++ programmers are not listed here, primarily because I have
not read all, but also because this is intended to be a "short list."

Teach Yourself C++, Stevens, MIS Press 1990, ISBN 1-558-28027-8
	A raw neophyte should be able to breeze through this text
	and example software in about a day.

A C++ Primer, Lippman, Addison-Wesley 1989, 0-201-16487-6
	The most common text to learn C++ from.  Best coverage of
	multiple inheritence.

The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, Ellis & Stroustrup, Addison-Wesley 1990
	0-201-51459-1.  Much more than you ever wanted to know about the
	intimate details of the language, and why.  Today's definitive
	answer about what is, or isn't in the language -- excepting 
	[small] changes coming from the ANSI committee.

The C++ Answer Book, Hansen, Addison-Wesley 1989, 0-201-11497-6
	Lots of good, small, ADT-like examples of C++ programming.
	The best reference on how to write little classes like Int,
	string, vector, etc.

Data Abstraction and Object Oriented Programming in C++,  
	Gorlen, Orlow & Plexico, John Wiley, 0-471-92346-X
	The best reference on how to write big, "Smalltalk-like" 
	classes relying on polymophism, a common base class, 
	dynamic type casting, etc.

The C++ Programming Language, Stroustrup, Addison Wesley 1986, 0-201-12078-X
	The historical reference of where the language is coming from,
	and the way C++ compilers used to behave circa release "1.2"
	Please use Stroustrup's newer text above to answer fine grain
	details about what the language is suppose to be! [until this
	text can be updated.]

Object Oriented Design with Applications, Booch, Benjamin/Cummings 1991,
	0-8053-0091-0.  The most widely regarded text about what it means
	to design object oriented software.

Object Orientation: Concepts, Languages, Databases, User Interfaces,
	Khoshafian & Abnous, John Wiley 1990, 0-471-51801-8.  A survey
	of the object oriented world, and the best description of
	databases and issues of object identity.

Supplemental Readings:

USENIX C++ Workshops and Conferences
OOPSLA Conference Proceedings
The C++ Report
Journal of Object Oriented Programming

Good Luck!

jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu (Joe Buck) (01/22/91)

In article <19@microsoft.UUCP>, jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) writes:
> The C++ Programming Language, Stroustrup, Addison Wesley 1986, 0-201-12078-X
> 	The historical reference of where the language is coming from,
> 	and the way C++ compilers used to behave circa release "1.2"
> 	Please use Stroustrup's newer text above to answer fine grain
> 	details about what the language is suppose to be! [until this
> 	text can be updated.]

No, this book predates 1.2.  For instance, no mention is made of the
"protected" keyword, since it wasn't in the language in version 1.0.
Beginners should be warned away STRONGLY from this book, not because
it's bad or anything, only because it's so outdated.

Otherwise, great list.

Joe Buck
jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu	 {uunet,ucbvax}!galileo.berkeley.edu!jbuck