[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ Professional & Windows SDK

jdries@doppler (J. Francis Dries, III) (01/17/91)

In a recent /PC Week/, an article made mention of Borland preparing to
release a new version of Turbo C++ Professional with a Windows IDE,
Windows TurboDebugger and an "easier to use, and easier to learn"
windows SDK library.  Supposedly this is to be released before the
upcomming languages conference.

Does anyone have any additional information on this, such as pricing,
and upgrade pricing to currently registered Turbo C++ users, etc.

J. Francis Dries, III
...!rutgers!faatcrl!doppler!jdries                  jdries@doppler

"You can put a bullet in my head, but you can't kill a word I said"
                                                    -- Mike Muir

randall@Virginia.EDU (Ran Atkinson) (01/23/91)

Questions that are specific to MSDOS compilers (such as TC++)
and don't have much relationship to the C++ language 
(such as rumours about new products) are generally best posted
to comp.os.msdos.programmer and/or the comp.windows.ms.programmer
group.  Most of the MSDOS programmer types hang out there and 
in general you'll get better and more informed responses.

Note, the same principle applies to other OSs such as UNIX and VMS
where these sorts of questions are best asked there rather than in
the language group...

