[comp.lang.c++] Jonathan S. Shapiro

vinoski@apollo.HP.COM (Stephen Vinoski) (01/23/91)

Can anybody tell me how to get in touch with Jonathan S. Shapiro, author of "A
C++ Toolkit" (Prentice-Hall, 1991, ISBN 0-13-127663-8)?


| Steve Vinoski  (508)256-6600 x5904       | Internet: vinoski@apollo.hp.com  |
| Testability and Diagnostics              | UUCP: ...mit-eddie!apollo!vinoski|
| HP Apollo Division, Chelmsford, MA 01824 |       ...uw-beaver!apollo!vinoski|

sarroyo@govtdev-11w9.shearson.com (Suzanne Arroyo) (01/23/91)

According to his lecture handouts from the C++ At Work Conference this
past fall, he can be reached at:

	shopiro@research.att.com (yes, it was spelled shopiro, not shapiro)

 Suzanne Arroyo					Wusses Are Fun People!!!!
 Internet: sarroyo@shearson.com
 UUCP:     ...!uunet!slcpi!sarroyo

rbm@cbnewsm.att.com (robert.murray) (01/24/91)

In article <SARROYO.91Jan23102443@govtdev-11w9.shearson.com> sarroyo@govtdev-11w9.shearson.com (Suzanne Arroyo) writes:
>According to his lecture handouts from the C++ At Work Conference this
>past fall, he can be reached at:
>	shopiro@research.att.com (yes, it was spelled shopiro, not shapiro)

No - Jonathan ShApiro (author of the "C++ Toolkit" book) and Jonathan ShOpiro
(gave the C++ at Work lecture) are two different people.

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (01/25/91)

sarroyo@govtdev-11w9.shearson.com (Suzanne Arroyo) writes:

>According to his lecture handouts from the C++ At Work Conference this
>past fall, he can be reached at:

>	shopiro@research.att.com (yes, it was spelled shopiro, not shapiro)

No, this is Jonathan E. Shopiro (with an  'E' and an 'o'); he is at AT&T.

Jonathan S. Shapiro (with an 'S' and an 'a') is a different person, and is
NOT at AT&T.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com