[comp.lang.c++] Need g++ binary for ISC 2.0.2

brown@vidiot.UUCP (Vidiot) (01/27/91)

I am in need of obtaining a working binary distribution of the GNU g++
compiler.  Don't say grab the sources and compile it, since I went through
that for a month and never succeeded.  The ISC 2.0.2 support just didn't.
If there is a newer release of gcc and g++ that has all that fixed, I'll
try again.

But, if someone has a copy of g++ working and is willing to do a bindist
and send it to me, it will be appreciated.  I can get the stuff via
anonuucp if need be (9600 baud PEP mode).  I cannot get it via ftp though.

BTW, I need it to compile groff 1.00.

Thanks in advance.
      harvard\     att!nicmad\        spool.cs.wisc.edu!astroatc!vidiot!brown
Vidiot  ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
      rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/ INET:<@spool.cs.wisc.edu,@astroatc:brown@vidiot>