[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ personal/pro ?

levericw@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Walden Leverich) (01/28/91)

Ken> 	Ok.. I got the Turbo C++ compiler, personal version. I have 30
Ken> days to excahnge it and get the professional if I need it. 

Ken> 	I know that the debugger on the pro is better, what other
Ken> differences are there ????

The actual C++ compiler is the same in both versions. What C++ Pro
provides is Borlands Turbo Debugger v2.0 which is a stand alone
debugger. It also provides Turbo Profiler v1.0 and Turbo Assembler
If you already have these programs you have the C++ Pro package w/o
knowing it. If you do not have them then I suggest picking up the Pro
package, they are quite useful to have.


Walden H. Leverich III               | Inet: levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu
     ECE Dept.                       | CServ: 73237,2212 <- checked weekly
 Clarkson University                 | SnailMail: Software Solutions
                                     |            PO Box 763
                                     |            Potsdam, NY 13676-0763
#include <std_disclamer_concerning_what_I_say>