[comp.lang.c++] Development of CommandLine class for a Shell

yakker@mays.ucr.edu (matt robinson) (01/30/91)

I'm going to be developing a CommandLine class for a project I am working
on back at the ranch here, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas
that they would like to pass along.  The program will actually be a shell,
without the ability of having argv/argc (I will have to figure out argv/argc
for myself from whatever they type in.)  I won't have very many system
calls, so I'm limited to that regard.  If anyone has any wonderful ideas
on how to parse these strings in some uniform class that they might know of,
please mail me and let me know.  I would appreciate any ideas passed along.

Thanks, people! :)

Matt D. Robinson                                 "...if I only had a brain..."
Systems Programming Group, UC Riverside     -- The Scarecrow, The Wizard Of Oz
Internet : yakker@ucrmath.ucr.edu       UUCP : ..!ucsd!ucrmath!{yakker,source}