[comp.lang.c++] GNU C++ on ISC2.0.2

tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth Jamieson) (01/13/91)

	Ok, so I am going to start on this product that I want to (maybe)
	make some money on.

	For the sake of many things, I am going to develop under UNIX and
	the port most to dos.

	I am looking at GNU C++ in unix and TC++ under DOS (has gnu C++ been
	ported to dos ??).

	What are the liscence restrictions with GNU C++ to develop
	commercial software ??? I know that it USED to be 100% forbidden
	but someone mentioned that that was going to change ... has it ?????

	I am most experienced with C++ under 2.1 ATT but that should not
	be a problem.

	Does this also apply to gnudbm ??
========[ Xanadu Enterprises Inc. Amiga & Unix Software Development]=======
=    "I hate you, take your things and get out of this house!!!!!"        =
=    (pause) - "Hold me!" ( same girl, elapsed time 6.5 seconds)          =
=========== Ken Jamieson: uunet!tronsbox.xei.com!tron1  ===================
=   NONE of the opinions represented here are endorsed by anybody.        =
=== The Romantic Encounters BBS 201-759-8450(PEP) / 201-759-8568(2400) ==== 

gwu@nujoizey.tcs.com (George Wu) (01/15/91)

In article <646@tronsbox.xei.com>, tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth
Jamieson) writes:
|> 	What are the liscence restrictions with GNU C++ to develop
|> 	commercial software ??? I know that it USED to be 100% forbidden
|> 	but someone mentioned that that was going to change ... has it ?????

     It is the FSF's goal to prevent you from making a profit reselling GNU
software (among other things).  Anything you write in standard C++ you can
resell, since your code should be compilable with any C++ compiler.
Anything which uses a GNU library, you cannot (re)sell.  The FSF realizes
this, and has recently published a modified liscensing proposal for
libraries.  The general idea is the FSF would like to make their libraries
something of a standard, which is difficult with so many vendors refusing
to use it.  The new proposal should allow vendors to write code using GNU
libraries.  But the new liscense is still just a proposal.  Wait a month or

|> 	Does this also apply to gnudbm ??

     Dunno.  I suspect it's much like using any GNU utility.  Selling your
own code is no problem.  It's when your deliverable includes an actual
chunk of something the FSF wrote that problems occur.

     Incidentally, I just use GNU stuff from time to time.  I'm not
connected with them.  I'm not a spokesman.  I'm not a lawyer.


PS: Followups to one of the GNU groups. ie. gnu.g++.help or

George J Wu                           | gwu@tcs.com or uunet!tcs!gwu
Software Engineer                     | 2201 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA, 94730
Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752

tower@AI.MIT.EDU (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) (01/30/91)

   From: gwu@nujoizey.tcs.com (George Wu)
   Keywords: GNU liscense restrictions
   Date: 15 Jan 91 03:13:28 GMT
   Organization: Teknekron Communications Systems
   Apparently-To: lang-c++-netnews-dist@prep.ai.mit.edu

   In article <646@tronsbox.xei.com>, tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth
   Jamieson) writes:
   |> 	What are the liscence restrictions with GNU C++ to develop
   |> 	commercial software ??? I know that it USED to be 100% forbidden
   |> 	but someone mentioned that that was going to change ... has it ?????

	It is the FSF's goal to prevent you from making a profit reselling GNU
   software (among other things).

FSF doesn't care if you make a profit or not reselling GNU software.
FSF only cares that all GNU software be freely redistributable.  Some
see this goal as preventing resellers from making a profit, some don't.

   Anything you write in standard C++ you can
   resell, since your code should be compilable with any C++ compiler.
   Anything which uses a GNU library, you cannot (re)sell.  The FSF realizes
   this, and has recently published a modified liscensing proposal for

This license, the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL), is not yet
published, though drafts have been posted for review.

   The general idea is the FSF would like to make their libraries
   something of a standard, which is difficult with so many vendors refusing
   to use it.  

We like to see our library freely shared as much as possible.  We hope
that those linking with proprietary code under the LGPL will help
improve the libraries.

   The new proposal should allow vendors to write code using GNU
   libraries.  But the new liscense is still just a proposal.  
   Wait a month or    two.

   |> 	Does this also apply to gnudbm ??

	Dunno.  I suspect it's much like using any GNU utility.  Selling your
   own code is no problem.  It's when your deliverable includes an actual
   chunk of something the FSF wrote that problems occur.

The LGPL will only apply to lib-g++ initially.  FSF will evaluate how
much proprietary linkers are contributing before deciding what other
libraries to move from the GPL to the LGPL.  Other authors can, of
course use either licesne as they decide.

	Incidentally, I just use GNU stuff from time to time.  I'm not
   connected with them.  I'm not a spokesman.  I'm not a lawyer.

Clearly, you got a lot of the facts wrong.


   PS: Followups to one of the GNU groups. ie. gnu.g++.help or

Now that we have the facts straight, please use gnu.misc.discuss for
Followups, not gnu.g++.help or comp.lang.c++.

   George J Wu                           | gwu@tcs.com or uunet!tcs!gwu
   Software Engineer                     | 2201 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA, 94730
   Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752

enjoy -len