[comp.lang.c++] Latest version of TC++?

mikes@mlacus.oz (Michael Stone) (01/24/91)

What is the latest version of Turbo C++ Professional ?

Is there a release after 1.0 ?

Thanks in advance,


 _--_|\     Michael Stone                            ACSnet mikes@mlacus.oz
/ ACUS \
\_.--._/    The Australian Centre For Unisys Software
      v     Level 14, 390 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic 3004

oneel@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov ( Bruce Oneel ) (01/29/91)

In <725@mlacus.oz> mikes@mlacus.oz (Michael Stone) writes:

>What is the latest version of Turbo C++ Professional ?

>Is there a release after 1.0 ?

>Thanks in advance,


> _--_|\     Michael Stone                            ACSnet mikes@mlacus.oz
>/ ACUS \
>\_.--._/    The Australian Centre For Unisys Software
>      v     Level 14, 390 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic 3004

Borland has released 1.01, a low cost ($15 US to me) bug fix update.


levericw@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Walden Leverich) (01/30/91)

MS> What is the latest version of Turbo C++ Professional ?
MS> Is there a release after 1.0 ?
MS> Thanks in advance,
MS> Michael
There is a maintainence release TC++1.01 (might be 1.10 don;t
remember) If you call Borland *Tech* support, not customer support and
bitch a little they will connect you to customer support and tell them
to waive the upgrade fee. If you call customer support directly they
will charge you $15 for the upgrade.

Walden H. Leverich III               | Inet: levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu
     ECE Dept.                       | CServ: 73237,2212 <- checked weekly
 Clarkson University                 | SnailMail: Software Solutions
                                     |            PO Box 763
                                     |            Potsdam, NY 13676-0763
#include <std_disclamer_concerning_what_I_say>

sjb@cs.toronto.edu (Stephen Bellantoni) (01/31/91)

levericw@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Walden Leverich) writes:

>MS> What is the latest version of Turbo C++ Professional ?
>MS> Is there a release after 1.0 ?
>There is a maintainence release TC++1.01 ... 

It seems to me that there are actually three releases available, 
the original 1.00, then there was a set of patches posted to compuserve,
and now there is 1.01. I think that the patches don't fix all the things
which are fixed in 1.01: I tried out one of the bugs which the
monthly list says is fixed in 1.01, and I still got the bug using 
my copy of 1.00 with patches.

Does anyone know if the upgrade to 1.01 is available from compuserve, 
and if so can someone post it to the internet?

P.S. I hear that the price of TC++ professional just jumped $40 or so, 
any confirmation? 


gw1e+@andrew.cmu.edu (Gabriel M. Wachob) (01/31/91)

I got TC++ about a month ago.. It was from a discount place, so I don't
know how long they had it sitting on their shelves... How do I know if I
got veriosn 1.0 or 1.1? If I have version 1.0, can I get the updates
from a FTP site? If not, where?