[comp.lang.c++] Technical discussions ONLY, please!

tower@AI.MIT.EDU (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) (01/31/91)

      [ I run this list for those who don't know.  -len ]

It is not appropriate to discuss non-technical matters on this mailing
list/newsgroup.  If you must discuss such matters in a gnu group/list,
please use the newsgroup gnu.misc.discuss, which is equivalent to the
mailing list gnu-misc-discuss@cis.ohio-state.edu, in the future.  It
is the only gnu.* newsgroup/list where non-technical discussion is

The GNU Project reserves the right to respond to people who choose to
make non-technical comments here, particularly when they have their
facts wrong.

The GNU Project also reserves the right to make occasional
non-technical postings here, particularly when they directly relate to
g++ and its use.  For example, the recent posting of the draft LGPL
for review.

Please refer to the file etc/MAILINGLISTS in the GNU Emacs
distribution for a full description of how the GNU Project lists work.
It's also available from gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu.

If you simply must discuss any of this, please do so in

thanx -len
aka help-g++-request@prep.ai.mit.edu, the person who runs this list.


From: microsoft!jimad (Jim ADCOCK)
Sender: gnulists@ai.mit.edu
Newsgroups: gnu.g++.announce
Subject: Re: LGPL
Message-Id: <34@microsoft.UUCP>
Date: 22 Jan 91 19:18:29 GMT
References: <9101161825.AA09469@mole.ai.mit.edu|
Reply-To: microsoft!jimad (Jim ADCOCK)
Organization: Microsoft Corp., Redmond WA
To: help-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
Resent-To: help-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu

In article <9101161825.AA09469@mole.ai.mit.edu| rms@AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) writes:

|The purpose of the GNU project is not maximizing the use of GNU
|software.  It is promoting the freedom to share and change software as
|much as we can.  Having more users is better, all else being equal,
|but not at the cost of forgetting what we are about.
