[comp.lang.c++] OGI short courses in C++ and expert systems

novick@ogicse.ogi.edu (David G. Novick) (01/31/91)

noren@dinl.uucp(Charles Noren) recently inquired "What kind of fast
intensive courses are there and what do you recommend?"  OGI has just
announced a C++ short course; here's the text of the brochure.


		    The Oregon Graduate Institute
	  presents two hands-on, intensive, five-day courses
		 for Managers, Analysts and Designers
		       April 1-5   Portland, OR
		    April 29-May 3   Portland, OR

This file contains:

1) Information about the C++ course
2) Information about the expert systems course
3) Registration information
4) Registation form

		 Object-Oriented Programming with C++
			  A Hands-on Course
			      April 1-5
The benefits you can expect from object-oriented methods are
improved productivity, higher quality software, and more rapid
release schedules.
The features of object-oriented programming are
     -    program design by modeling real-world systems,
     -    a stronger concept fo modularity,
     -    support for the building of libraries and re-use of 
          existing code,
     -    easier modification and extension of existing code, and
     -    ability to extend the programming language.
In C++, the features of object oriented programming have been
carefully implemented in a way that preserves the portability and
efficiency of C.  Leading companies including AT&T, Apple,
Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Borland, and Boeing have switched
much of their system development to C++.  This class will teach
you the details of C++ syntax, and also the coding techniques and
design principles you will need to take advantage of the
On completion of this course the student will be able to
     -    write programs in C++
     -    describe the principles of object oriented programming
     -    design programs in C++ that take advantage of the
          object oriented features of the language
     -    use standard window and icon based interface libraries
     -    use single and multiple inheritance and polymorphism to
          write compact code
Who Can Benefit
     Programmers and program designers who expect to work with
     C++, or are exploring the use of C++.  Programmers who know
     C and want to find out what object oriented programming is.
You should have some experience with C before taking this course.
Course Location
This course will be held at Tektronix Walker Road Industrial Park,
18700 N.W. Walker Road, Building 94.  Use the southeast entrance to
the building and the receptionist will direct you to the training

About the Instructor
Wayne Haythorn has been involved in computer programming and
technical training since 1971.  Since 1983, he ahs been president
of Granite Software, which provides consulting and training in
artificial intelligence and object oriented programming.  Clients
of Granite Software include Bellcore, Medtronic, Citicorp, IBM,
Control Date, and the Supercompting Research Center.  Mr.
Haythorn has trained employees of over 200 other corporations and
50 government agencies.

			  A Hands-on Course
			    April 29-May 3
Expert systems are computer programs which solve problems
requiring judgement and experience, by modeling the thinking of a
human expert.  They are being used in a wide variety of
situations in which organizations need to preserve knowledge or
make it more readily available.
Who Can Benefit
This course is designed for people who want to know how expert
systems work and how to build one.  The course is a workshop,
designed to show you basic methods for machine reasoning, and the
standard expert system development process.  Students will study
the fundamentals of expert system programming by building a small
system.  You will get the chance to use several different
commercial expert system shells.  Students who have a project in
mind are encouraged to come to class with materials to work from.
On completion of this course, the student will be able to 
     -    describe a standard expert system development cycle
     -    write a project description identifying and specifying
          an expert systems project
     -    know what to ask the expert during interviews, and how
          to supplement interviews with observation and protocol
     -    describe the reasoning algorithms used in standard
          expert system development environments
     -    describe expert system architectures using a variety of
          knwoledge representation and inference techniques
     -    write, structure, and debug a rule base
     -    relate verification and testing to expert systems
          architecture and development method, and produce a plan
          for testing an expert system

About the Instructor
Wayne Haythorn has been involved in computer programming and
technical training since 1971.  Since 1983, he ahs been president
of Granite Software, which provides consulting and training in
artificial intelligence and object oriented programming.  Clients
of Granite Software include Bellcore, Medtronic, Citicorp, IBM,
Control Date, and the Supercompting Research Center.  Mr.
Haythorn has trained employees of over 200 other corporations and
50 government agencies.



		 Object Oriented Programming with C++
			   April 1-5, 1991
		       Building Expert Systems
			April 29 - May 3, 1991
Course Fees:  The $1025 fee for each course includes instruction,
course materials, lunch each day and break refreshments.

Multiple Enrollment Discount:  A 10% discount is given to each
participant when three or more are registering at the same time
from the same organization.
Registration:  Each course is limited to twenty participants.  To
register, mail the registration form below to the Oregon Graduate
Institute, Continuing Education Office, 19600 N.W. von Neumann Drive,
Beaverton, OR 97006-1999 or fax the form with your Visa or Mastercard
number to (503) 690-1029.  For more information, call (503) 690-1233.
Cancellations: are accepted up to 10 working days prior to start
of course.  After that date, you may send a substitute in your
place or receive a 50% refund.  If OGI is forced to cancel a
course for any reason, liability is limited to the return of the
paid registration fee.
Course Schedule:  Each course is held from 9 AM - 5 PM each day.
Accomodations:  For information about accommodations in the
Beaverton area, please contact Terri Fogarty at (503) 690-1233
or tfogarty@cse.ogi.edu.


__ Object Oriented Programming with C++ April 1-5, 1991, $1025
__ Building Expert Systems, April 29 - May 3, 1991, $1025 
__ Both Courses, $1845

Type of Registration:         

__ Single                                                

__ Multiple

   (See Discount Schedule)

Method of Payment:

__ Visa  __ Mastercard

Card # ___________________________________

Expiration Date___________________________

__ Check enclosed

Please make check payable to the Oregon Graduate Institute.
__ Bill my Firm          Purchase Order # ______________________

NAME AND TITLE:________________________________________

NAME AND TITLE:________________________________________

NAME AND TITLE:________________________________________

COMPANY NAME:  ________________________________________



ZIP: ____________________PHONE:________________________
__ YES! I am interested in receiving more information on the
	upcoming short course:  Design and Testing of Graphical   
	User Interfaces, April 17-19, 1991.
Mail to:

Continuing Education 
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology
19600 N.W. von Neumann Drive
Beaverton, OR  97006-1999

  David G. Novick   | Department of Computer Science and Engineering
	            | Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
 novick@cse.ogi.edu | 19600 N.W. Von Neumann Drive
   (503) 690-1156   | Beaverton, OR 97006-1999