[comp.lang.c++] C++Lint thingees

purtill@morley.rutgers.edu (Mark Purtill) (02/06/91)

rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) writes:
>I consider it to be a fundamental part of the job of a "compiler" to
>perform a good deal of "checking" on the programs (or sub-hunks of
>programs) that I feed it.  Placing some of the checking into a separate
>tool is like inviting somebody to write crappy code. 

	It also invites compiler suppliers to either not supply the
'lint'oid and/or charging more money for it (which means some users do
without).  If the checking is in the standard, this is at least less
likely to happen (although I can see vendors advertising "standard
compatibility" add-on programs and rubbish like that).

^.-.^ Mark Purtill         purtill@dimacs.rutgers.edu         (908)932-4580 (O)
((")) DIMACS, P.O. Box 1179, Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ 08855 (908)220-6905 (H)
********** Note new area code!  We are now (908) rather than (201)!  **********

barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) (02/06/91)

In article <Feb.> purtill@morley.rutgers.edu (Mark Purtill) writes:
>rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) writes:
>>I consider it to be a fundamental part of the job of a "compiler" to
>>perform a good deal of "checking" on the programs (or sub-hunks of
>>programs) that I feed it.  Placing some of the checking into a separate
>>tool is like inviting somebody to write crappy code. 
>	It also invites compiler suppliers to either not supply the
>'lint'oid and/or charging more money for it (which means some users do
>without).  If the checking is in the standard, this is at least less
>likely to happen (although I can see vendors advertising "standard
>compatibility" add-on programs and rubbish like that).

It is not the job of a language standard to force vendors to provide all
the tools needed to implement a good programming environment.  A language
standard should define the language; the contract between the vendor and
the user is that a program that conforms to the language spec will produce
results as defined by the language spec.

Market forces should be used to go further than this.  If warning messages
are considered a good thing, then compilers that produce lots of useful
warnings should sell better than those that don't.  Word of mouth, magazine
reviews, etc. should be used to weed out crappy products.  Even government
procurements are allowed to specify requirements beyond just those in a

This is frequently called "quality of implementation".

However, this can be taken too far.  The ANSI C standard could have left
many things undefined that they actually defined to result in a compiler
warning.  For instance, they specified that compilers must produce warnings
for syntax errors.  There are a few things that we have come to take for
granted in compilers, and which are supported by most modern
compiler-building technologies, so it is not unreasonable to specify it as
part of the language.

The boundary between the two areas is, of course, fuzzy.  In the end, users
and vendors comprising the language standardization committee will have to
decide where to place it.
Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp.


jlol@REMUS.EE.BYU.EDU (Jay Lawlor) (02/06/91)

>>>>> On 5 Feb 91 21:07:09 GMT, purtill@morley.rutgers.edu (Mark Purtill) said:

Mark> rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) writes:
>I consider it to be a fundamental part of the job of a "compiler" to
>perform a good deal of "checking" on the programs (or sub-hunks of
>programs) that I feed it.  Placing some of the checking into a separate
>tool is like inviting somebody to write crappy code. 

Mark> 	It also invites compiler suppliers to either not supply the
Mark> 'lint'oid and/or charging more money for it (which means some users do
Mark> without).  If the checking is in the standard, this is at least less
Mark> likely to happen (although I can see vendors advertising "standard
Mark> compatibility" add-on programs and rubbish like that).

Which reminds me...
It really irks me when a company sells you the "default" compiler with
their system and then says, "but if you want xx% better performance
you should buy our super optimizing compiler."  In other words, "since
we have a lousy compiler that doesn't really take advantage of the
machine we sold you we'd like to make it up to you by selling you
something else."  This could extend to other "essential" tools which
should come with the system.  (flame avoidance: I'm not talking about
DOS machines here since nothing really "comes with the system" anyway.
Also, I'm not saying a lot of companies do this but I've seen it before.)

Anyway, back to the subject.  I don't know if this has been mentioned
but I always thought one nice feature of lint was to tell you about
variables that are defined but never used.  It doesn't affect your
code performance or correctness but it does help clean up and improve
readability, etc.  Are there compilers (c++, ANSI C, whatever) which
perform this function?

jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu (Joe Buck) (02/07/91)

In article <9102060507.AA24293@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, jlol@REMUS.EE.BYU.EDU (Jay Lawlor) writes:
|> Anyway, back to the subject.  I don't know if this has been mentioned
|> but I always thought one nice feature of lint was to tell you about
|> variables that are defined but never used.  It doesn't affect your
|> code performance or correctness but it does help clean up and improve
|> readability, etc.  Are there compilers (c++, ANSI C, whatever) which
|> perform this function?

gcc and g++ do this, if you turn on the warning.  Do gcc -O -Wall or
g++ -O -Wall and most of the tests that lint performs will be performed
by the compiler.
Joe Buck
jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu	 {uunet,ucbvax}!galileo.berkeley.edu!jbuck