[comp.lang.c++] Is it okay to use delete after malloc?

ahodgson@athena.mit.edu (Antony Hodgson) (01/29/91)

If I create a string using one of the library routines such as strdup,
is it then acceptable to use delete, or is free() required?


	char* s;
	s = strdup( "Test" );
	delete s;   // or free(s)?

Tony Hodgson

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (01/31/91)

ahodgson@athena.mit.edu (Antony Hodgson) writes:

>If I create a string using one of the library routines such as strdup,
>is it then acceptable to use delete, or is free() required?

Using 'delete' on a pointer is not guaranteed to work if the pointer
was not obtained from  'new'.  If space is acquired by malloc(), you
should return it with free().

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (02/07/91)

In article <574@taumet.com> steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) writes:
|ahodgson@athena.mit.edu (Antony Hodgson) writes:
|>If I create a string using one of the library routines such as strdup,
|>is it then acceptable to use delete, or is free() required?
|Using 'delete' on a pointer is not guaranteed to work if the pointer
|was not obtained from  'new'.  If space is acquired by malloc(), you
|should return it with free().

I agree today.  The ANSI-C++ committee is looking into what interactions
should be allowed/disallowed in terms of new vs malloc, and stream i/o vs
stdio, so things could become easier on programmers in the future.

Today, things are implementation defined, and you're more likely of success 
if you match your malloc/free's, new/delete's, and new[]/delete[]'s.