[comp.lang.c++] Opinion poll on OOPLs

d87-mra@dront.nada.kth.se (Magnus Ramstr|m) (02/07/91)

Below is an inquiry I would be very grateful if you were to answer
(use Reply and fill in your answers at the given positions). Please
write comments after the answer line or at the end of your reply
(including references to simular inquiries).


General questions:

1. What OOPL do you usually use?

a) C++, b) Objective-C, c) Simula, d) Eiffel, e) Smalltalk, f) Other (what?)


2. Is that the language you mainly use?

a) Yes, b) No


3. For how long have you been using OO methods? (# of years)


4. How many academical courses on OO have you attended?


5. What is your educational level?

a) Pre-graduate, b) Graduate, c) B.S, d) M.S, e) Dr, f) Other (what?)


Opinion poll:

1. Do you agree with Peter Wegner's classification of programmming languages?
   (BYTE March 1989)

a) Yes, b) Yes, with minor adjustments, c) In some parts, d) No


2. Do you prefer the terms superclass/subclass or base class/derived class?

a) superclass/subclass, b) base class/derived class, c) no opinion


3. Do you prefer hybrid languages or pure OOPL?

a) hybrid languages, b) pure languages, c) no opinion


4. Do you prefer strong or weak typing in an OOPL?

a) strong typing, b) weak typing, c) no opinion


5. Should classes be objects?

a) Yes, b) No, c) No opinion


6. What type of syntax do you prefer? That of

a) Simula, b) Smalltalk, c) CLOS, d) other (what?)


7. Which OOPL do you believe will be spread the most in a couple of years?

a) C++, b) Objective-C, c) Simula, d) Eiffel, e) Smalltalk, f) Other (what?)


8. Which OOPL would you like to be spread the most in a couple of years?

a) C++, b) Objective-C, c) Simula, d) Eiffel, e) Smalltalk, f) Other (what?)


9. What future do you believe there will be for class-less languages?

a) Bright, b) Good, c) Bad, d) None


10. What future would you like there to be for class-less languages?

a) Bright, b) Good, c) Bad, d) None



Thank you!
d87-mra@nada.kth.se (Magnus Ramstr|m). Student @ Dep. of Computer Science.