[comp.lang.c++] private base classes

linton@sgi.com (Mark Linton) (02/09/91)

In article <64173@brunix.UUCP>, sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) writes:
|> In article <1174@zinn.MV.COM> mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot) writes:
|> | I agree with Keith, and with Tom Cargill, that private base classes can be
|> | transformed into class members.  There may be some minor performance
|> | differences between the two, but I suspect on average it's a wash.  
|> No no no.  You lose virtual functions when you turn inheritance into member
|> containment.  There is a conceptual distinction between the following:
|>     A has a member B             ==> A "has a" B (or A "contains a" B)
|>     A publicly inherits from B   ==> A "is a" B
|>     A privately inherits from B  ==> A "is implemented in terms of a" B
|> Private inheritance is a convenient way to share code when there is no
|> other conceptual relationship between two classes.  I usually call this
|> "code stealing."  When stealing the code in another class, you often have
|> to do some class specific stuff; this is where virtual functions come in.
|> The member functions in the (private) base class can call virtual functions
|> to do the customization.  This won't work with member objects, because they
|> have no way of knowing what they're a part of.

The case you refer to is pretty pathological.  I'll use the names Base and Derived
instead of your B and A.  Since Derived privately inherits from Base,
the only place you can call a Base method from a Derived object is in Derived itself.
Then Base::method calls a virtual on Base that Derived redefines and you
end back in a Derived method.  Example code is:

    class Base { virtual void f(); void g(); };
    class Derived : private Base { virtual void f(); void h(); };

    void A::f() { }
    void A::g() { shared_before_stuff(); f(); shared_after_stuff(); }
    void B::f() { ... }
    void B::h() { g(); }

Note that B::f() can't be called directly (except from another B method, of course).

You refer to private inheritance as "convenient", but I have never needed
the circular control flow above.  We don't use it at all in InterViews
(about 100K lines of C++).  Most examples of code sharing I have seen
are better implemented with either separate types or templates
 (or the macro equivalent).  If you have a real example of "convenient" private inheritance, I'd be interested in seeing it.

chip@tct.uucp (Chip Salzenberg) (02/13/91)

According to linton@sgi.com (Mark Linton):
> If you have a real example of "convenient" private inheritance,
> I'd be interested in seeing it.

In a real application I have two classes, SqlStmt and SqlCursor.
SqlStmt is a private base class of SqlCursor.  I would have made it
public, but to maintain internal consistency I can allow only one
member function of SqlStmt public, namely, SqlStmt::in().  However,
SqlStmt::in() is actually several overloaded functions.  Thus the

    class SqlCursor : private SqlStmt {


        // other declarations...

This declaration conveniently makes all the SqlStmt::in() functions
public without needing to name them all.

The use of inheritance instead of a SqlStmt member variable also
implies that the member functions of SqlCursor can call member
functions of SqlStmt without specifying "member.func()".

Both of these aspects are convenience wins.
Chip Salzenberg at Teltronics/TCT     <chip@tct.uucp>, <uunet!pdn!tct!chip>
 "I want to mention that my opinions whether real or not are MY opinions."
             -- the inevitable William "Billy" Steinmetz