[comp.lang.c++] LGPL

rms@AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) (01/17/91)

If you have suggestions for changing the library GPL, please send them
to me (rms@ai.mit.edu), not help-g++ (gnu.g++.help).

If you report a problem with the way the LGPL accomplishes its aims,
or a possibly unintended side effect, I'll probably do something about
it.  The substantial change between the first published draft and the
second is due to criticisms of this sort.

If you ask for a fundamental change in the aims of the LGPL, then we
are unlikely to oblige.  In particular, we are not considering
dropping the requirement that end users have the ability and the
freedom to modify the library and relink the application.

True, the LGPL is a concession we are making to get more software
developers to use the GNU libraries.  We reluctantly decided to drop
the requirement for the application code to be free, because that
issue doesn't seem so close to home, and that's why we are making an
LGPL in the first place.

But letting a developer take away the end users' freedom to change
*the GNU code* is another matter.  Developers are not entitled to
strip off the freedom when passing the library along.  Not even
when they stick it inside something else.

Dropping this requirement would get some additional users for our
software, but would promote freedom less.  When the users saw
application programs that used our library, the message they would
get is that we had sold them out.

The purpose of the GNU project is not maximizing the use of GNU
software.  It is promoting the freedom to share and change software as
much as we can.  Having more users is better, all else being equal,
but not at the cost of forgetting what we are about.

It seems that the GNU libraries will have enough use under the terms
now proposed to make them thrive.  Even if that's only 25% as much as
they would otherwise be used, that is not a serious problem for the
GNU project.

Pacifism is not part of the GNU philosophy, and software hoarding is
not a victimless crime.  Being a wimp is not my idea of "high
mindedness".  'nuff said.

If people want to discuss whether they agree with the aims of the FSF,
please use the newsgroup gnu.misc.discuss.  It was made for that

jimad@AI.MIT.EDU (Jim ADCOCK) (01/23/91)

In article <9101161825.AA09469@mole.ai.mit.edu| rms@AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) writes:

|The purpose of the GNU project is not maximizing the use of GNU
|software.  It is promoting the freedom to share and change software as
|much as we can.  Having more users is better, all else being equal,
|but not at the cost of forgetting what we are about.

Perhaps Stallman needs to place a "clear statement" about what GNU is about
in your licensing agreements, and in your statements about "freedom"
so people will not be confused by the difference between your actual
goals, and some of your more casual statements.

|It seems that the GNU libraries will have enough use under the terms
|now proposed to make them thrive.  Even if that's only 25% as much as
|they would otherwise be used, that is not a serious problem for the
|GNU project.

You contradict yourself in two paragraphs.  You state that GNU is 
attempting to promote the freedom to share and change software --
but not maximize the use of that software.  You state that the 
present licenses only allow perhaps 25% of the people to use GNU-restricted
software, and do not consider that a serious problem.

I disagree.  I believe any software offering that deliberately 
prohibits the majority of programmers from using it is divisive, and
against the good of the software community.  Programmers -- please do 
not allow your software to be used for such divisive ends -- please do
not allow your software to be distributed under the GNU licensing 

|Pacifism is not part of the GNU philosophy, and software hoarding is
|not a victimless crime.  Being a wimp is not my idea of "high
|mindedness".  'nuff said.

This again, seems to be a statement that the ends justify the means.  
I disagree.  People use the "ends justify the means" argument to 
try to justify whatever set of beliefs they believe in.  The end result
is that other human beings are injured.  Gnu software itself engages
in software hoarding -- justifying that behavior in terms of trying
to force others to conform to their "political" ideals.

I can tolerate such behavior if it isolated.  But when Stallman refers
to such behavior as "freedom" I must speak out and disagree.  Attempts
to coerce people do not represent freedom.  "Freedom" is letting people
decide for themselves.  The Gnu software is in no way "free" but is
as restrictive if not more restrictive that software available from
other more traditional companies.  Please do not be deceived 
by Stallman's attempts to label his actions "freedom."   Please do not
allow Stallman's licenses to be applied to your software -- doing so 
does not make your software more accessible to most software programmers,
but rather prevents most software programmers from using your creations.

[more than standard disclaimer]

kayvan@APPLE.COM (Kayvan Sylvan) (01/30/91)

Jim ADCOCK writes:
> In article <9101161825.AA09469@mole.ai.mit.edu| rms@AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) writes:
> [... too much stuff ...]
> Programmers -- please do not allow your software to be used for such
> divisive ends -- please do not allow your software to be distributed
> under the GNU licensing restrictions.
> [... And still more stuff ...]
> Please do not be deceived by Stallman's attempts to label his
> actions "freedom."   Please do not allow Stallman's licenses to be
> applied to your software -- doing so does not make your software
> more accessible to most software programmers, but rather prevents
> most software programmers from using your creations. 

My apologies to the group for posting this to help-g++ rather than
gnu.misc.discuss, but I couldn't help but reply to Jim's post.

Jim's arguments do not really apply. The FSF licenses only restrict
people's ability to restrict your access to the sources of the
software you are using.

You are free to do with the software what you like, as long as you
don't restrict other people's freedom. Promoting freedom of software
also means that you can't use free software inside your proprietary

It is obvious that Jim from Microsoft is very invested (probably
literally as well as figuratively) in the idea of restricting people's
use of software for profit. He balks at the idea of not being able to
use a piece of free software in a way that restricts his end-user's
freedom. Too bad.

To try to present that as a plea for freedom is true hypocrisy.

An example that illustrates: I recently found a file system bug in the
operating system I am using. Having found the cause (a buggy routine
in a system library), I was able to effect a fix by replacing the
buggy routine with one that worked from the net. *However*, I couldn't
fix the binaries easily (because I didn't have the sources). I
actually *did* end up patching the binaries (by disassembling them and
findind out what to change), but it wasn't my idea of a fun time. The
fact is that the software vendor had me at their mercy even though I
was probably far more capable of fixing my problem in a timely fashion
than they themselves were... They had, through their licensing,
restricted my freedom to read and change the source.

FSF software, on the other hand, is infinitely superior simply because
you have the source. Making sources available to hundreds of bright
intelligent software people all over the net to use/modify and send in
patches insures that in a very short time you have sources that are
ported to hundreds of different machines and that you have software
that is *very high quality*.

Enough said,


| Kayvan Sylvan       Unix/C, GNU tools   879 Lewiston Drive   408-978-1407  |
| Sylvan Associates   GUIs, Databases     San Jose, CA 95136  Think Globally |
|                     Networking, X       apple!satyr!kayvan   Act Locally   |
| === Currently looking for contracts === Hire me now! Avoid the rush! ===   |

tiemann@eng.sun.com (Michael Tiemann) (02/14/91)

I can't stand reading Jim's disinformation any longer.  I have let
about 5 of his random flames fly, and this one has put me over the
top.  If you regularly disregard Jim's postings, you might as well
disregard this one.

    Again, I disagree.  The FSF licenses prevent the vast majority of 
    programmers from using any libraries with such licensing restrictions.
    The reason being that most programmers work for companies distributing
    software that cannot be profitably supported in source form.  When
    "for profit" companies see the opportunity to provide software in 
    source form, at a reasonable support cost, then they so provide the
    software.  A case in point being reusable object-oriented libraries
    written in C++.  The consensus -- in the industry -- seems to be that
    such libraries need to be distributed in source form in order for 
    them to be truly useful to programmers.  Surprise! -- industry supplies
    such software in source form, without unduly restrictive licenses.

This paragraph contains 3 anti-facts.  First, the FSF licenses in not
way restrict programmers from *using* FSF libraries.  I have supported
many a proprietary programming effort in my time, and they all used
the FSF libraries for prototyping.  Some of them even *learned*
something about coding style.  Second, most companies have no idea how
profitable supporting source code can be; they just don't even try.
I'm not saying that my software support company (Cygnus) is making
Milken or Helmsley look poor, but we do alright.  I'm sure that most
software companies can make money in all sorts of different ways.  Out
of laziness, they choose to follow Microsoft's and IBM's model of
software hoarding.  Finally, I looked at the licensing terms of
`Classix', a C++ class library.  Yes, they do distribute their sources
because they have to so that it works with conventional C++ compilers.
But, they have the most restrictive licensing terms I have seen for a
while.  You cannot use, modify or distribute them in 98% of the ways I
consider useful.

    If for-profit industry can provide source-form reusable object-oriented
    software libraries at hardly more than the "distribution" costs of
    "Free" software, and can do so without unduly restrictive licensing agreements,
    then, if people were to mistakenly distribute their work under Stallman's
    restrictive licenses, society loses.  We'd all be better off if the authors
    of such software distributed ["sold"] the software themselves.

Garbage, since I have yet to see less restrictive instead of more
restrictive licenses.  Also, I don't buy the argument even if true.
Laws which enforce safety are a restriction on society.  Does society
lose by being safer, or by having the freedom to endanger itself?
Should I be able to walk to my local gun shop and buy a tactical
nuclear warhead or a binary nerve gas system?  Maybe I should...maybe
it would benefit society to keep the whining down in certain parts of
Washington.  Is this the kind of freedom-without-restrictions that I
should enjoy?  No: I prefer to compete within the restrictions of our
current laws.

The rest of his posting is hard to argue with, only because by now it
is based on such flakey assumptions that there is no coherent point
which can be argued.  Suffice it to say that Jim's idea of what
constitutes "overly restrictive" and what constitutes "useful" are
diametrically opposed to what I have found.  When I fire up a spread
sheet and it doesn't do what I want, without source, I'm screwed.

Since starting a company, and using software commercially, the
importance I place on source availability has *increased*, as has my
contempt for people who continue to argue about the unreasonableness
of the FSF licenses.  It's not the licenses that slow us down, it's
hiring people, paying taxes, bidding too agressively, disk errors,
unexpected market events, etc.  In other words, by looking at our
business, you can't tell that we're not just another software company,
except that our customers have no problems getting source from us.
