[comp.lang.c++] diffs to the ARM?

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (02/15/91)

Is there a generally accessible set of diffs to the ARM that's being put out
as adjustments to the standard are decided upon?  Obviously, at some point it
doesn't make sense to just distribute diffs, but, if only a few changes have
been made to the ARM, I'd much prefer to get the diffs than have to spring for
another book.  Besides, I think diffs could be distributed quicker than coming
out with a new edition of the ARM.
David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
(415) 691-6311					640 Clyde Ct.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mtn. View, CA  94043
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