[comp.lang.c++] C++ concurrency - need help

tchang@digi.lonestar.org (ted chang) (02/15/91)

Hi, I am pretty new to the C++, and looking for some help from netter.
I need some directions (comments, books, articals, or pieces of code) 
to help me in IMPLEMENTING concurrent objects in C++ to achieve process
abstraction and synchronization in a multitasking environment.

In OO world, people name object which has its own thread of control
as active object.
As I understand, C++ language itself does not support concurrency directly,
(something like "Process" class in smalltalk). 

My questions are:
1. what is the best way to implement an active object?
2. if the unix system call fork and exec are needed in the class
   constructor in 1, then in which (parent or child process) memory
   spaces the private and public data members are allocated? how about
   static data?
3. invoking member function - will be more than just function call, it
   will actually sending interprocess message, how do we ensure type
   safe and retain object type thru the unix inter-process communication.
4. would there be any global object at all?
Any response is appreciated, and I will post summary if anyone is
interested in the subject.