[comp.lang.c++] turbo c++ and disk swapping

zougas@me.utoronto.ca ("Athanasios(Tom) Zougas") (02/15/91)

Is there any way to tell the IDE where to do its disk swapping. It
seems to want to do it in \tc\bin but if that directory is read
only, it won't run. I know I could use the /x or /e command options
to use extended/expanded memory, but it still needs to write to \tc\bin.
I'd like it to use the a: drive for swapping (don't ask why:-)

Thanks for any suggestions,

p.s. TFM says nothing about this. Please prove me blind:-)
I can be reached at...
  zougas@me.utoronto.ca || zougas@me.toronto.edu || ...!utai!me!zougas