[comp.lang.c++] MacApp type environment for Suns

andyn@stpstn.UUCP (Andy Novobilski) (02/11/91)

In article <591@hydra.bucknell.edu> zaccone@castor.bucknell.edu (rick zaccone - 1393) writes:
>It seems that since the Suns lack a concept of how a "standard"
>application should look, a product similar to MacApp for the Suns
>probably doesn't exist.  However, I am interesting in learning of any
>such products, commercial or otherwise.  Does anyone know of an
>object-oriented environment for the Suns (using C++) that is suitable
>for producing complete applications?

Three comments:

1. The following reference describes an application framework, modeled
   on MacApp, written in C++ and implemented on a Sun platform:

   Gamma, Eric, A. Weinand, R. Marty.  "ET++ - An Object-Oriented
   Application Framework in C++." OOPSLA'88 proceedings.

2. Apple makes available their sources to MacApp (a fine application
   framework, in my unsolicited opion).  You can get more information
   by writing:

   Apple Computer, Inc.
   20525 Mariabi Ave., Mail Stop 33G
   Cupertino, CA  95014-6299

3. The OOPSLA'86 proceedings had an entire section devoted to
   Application frameworks written in Object-Oriented languages.

Andy Novobilski     | The Stepstone Corp.  | Object-Oriented Programming:
andyn@stepstone.com | 75 Glen Rd.          | TV Network scheduling based on 
(203)426-1875       | Sandy Hook, CT 06482 | the number of insulted viewers.

rsw@cs.brown.EDU (Bob Weiner) (02/15/91)

In article <591@hydra.bucknell.edu> zaccone@castor.bucknell.edu (zaccone - 1393) writes:

> It seems that since the Suns lack a concept of how a "standard"
> application should look, a product similar to MacApp for the Suns
> probably doesn't exist.  However, I am interesting in learning of any
> such products, commercial or otherwise.  Does anyone know of an
> object-oriented environment for the Suns (using C++) that is suitable
> for producing complete applications?

Get ET++.  It is an application building framework of approximately 240 classes
in C++.  I have been following UI work for years and generally am very
unimpressed, but this is one of the finest pieces of design I have seen.
Imagine user interfaces that work exactly as you think they should with
excellent speed and multiple modalities.  They even made the executables run
under multiple window systems without any recompilation!  It is said to be
heavily based on MacApp from the Macintosh world.

The only drawback is that the basic executable size is about 1.2 Meg.
But this is with a whole bunch of development tools included in the
executable and without unused methods removed.  They have a method for
dynamic linking (you can even dynamically add classes to running
applications) that they claim reduces executables to 5-100k, but it
probably is not in this release.

The interaction capabilities and the elegance of the code are excellent
excellent as C++ gets anyway).  Standard ET++ work under X, OpenWindows, and
Sunview, I believe one executable can suffice for all window systems.  The
widgets visually appear basic compared to the Motif look of today, but they can
easily change the look.  Presently, all apps are supposed to look the same
under all window systems.

The environment is very rich.  It includes support for:
	multi-views that communicate, like Smalltalk's MVC;
	tree and graph layout classes;
	nice class and object inspectors;
	panners that use double buffering so you are not limited to scroll
	automatic layout of text mixed with graphics, e.g. embed
	  hypertext buttons;
	constraint-based resource layout, so when you modify one widget
	  the rest of the widgets displayed with it are not harmed;
	nesting of windows or other control devices;
	garbage collection (somewhat limited)
	generic container classes and most of the classes you apt to
	  want for typical application development.

All of this was done by two CS professors from another country.  All I
can say is they should come to the US and start teaching developers and
students about the importance of doing the user interface right.

Send comments (e.g. where can I get it from) to:

	Andre Weinand
	Union Bank of Switzerland
	UBILAB (Union Bank Informatics Laboratory)
	Bahnhofstrasse 45
	CH-8021 Zurich

	phone: +41-1-236-40-53
	fax:   +41-1-236-46-71
	e-mail: weinand@ifi.unizh.ch

Bob Weiner				   rsw@cs.brown.edu

gilbertd@cricket.bio.indiana.edu (Don Gilbert) (02/15/91)

In article <RSW.91Feb14205326@tahiti.cs.brown.EDU> rsw@cs.brown.EDU (Bob Weiner) writes:
>In article <591@hydra.bucknell.edu> zaccone@castor.bucknell.edu (zaccone - 1393) writes:
>> It seems that since the Suns lack a concept of how a "standard"
>> application should look, a product similar to MacApp for the Suns
>Get ET++.  It is an application building framework of approximately 240 classes
>The environment is very rich.  It includes support for:
>	multi-views that communicate, like Smalltalk's MVC;
>	tree and graph layout classes;
>	nice class and object inspectors;
>	panners that use double buffering so you are not limited to scroll
>	  bars;
>	automatic layout of text mixed with graphics, e.g. embed
>	  hypertext buttons;
>	constraint-based resource layout, so when you modify one widget
>	  the rest of the widgets displayed with it are not harmed;
>	nesting of windows or other control devices;
>	garbage collection (somewhat limited)
>	generic container classes and most of the classes you apt to
>	  want for typical application development.
>All of this was done by two CS professors from another country.  All I
>can say is they should come to the US and start teaching developers and
>students about the importance of doing the user interface right.

This sounds very much like InterViews (anon. ftp to interviews.stanford.edu, 
written by some local profs, I gather).  Can someone who has used both
compare their strengths & weaknesses?  (Or was this the subject of some
previous news... it fades so quickly).
    -- Don

Don Gilbert                                     gilbert@bio.indiana.edu
biocomputing office, biology dept., indiana univ., bloomington, in 47405

craig@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (Craig Hubley) (02/16/91)

In article <6299@stpstn.UUCP> andyn@stepstone.com (Andy Novobilski) writes:
>In article <591@hydra.bucknell.edu> zaccone@castor.bucknell.edu (rick zaccone - 1393) writes:
>>It seems that since the Suns lack a concept of how a "standard"
>>application should look, a product similar to MacApp for the Suns
>>probably doesn't exist.  However, I am interesting in learning of any
>>such products, commercial or otherwise.  Does anyone know of an
>>object-oriented environment for the Suns (using C++) that is suitable
>>for producing complete applications?

Check out the OI (Object Interface) library from Solbourne, distributed
by AT&T.  Allows you to write one source that works with either Open
Look or OSF/Motif.  Applications have the "look and feel" of whichever
you are running.  Based on C++.

  Craig Hubley   "...get rid of a man as soon as he thinks himself an expert."
  Craig Hubley & Associates------------------------------------Henry Ford Sr.
  craig@gpu.utcs.Utoronto.CA   UUNET!utai!utgpu!craig   craig@utorgpu.BITNET
  craig@gpu.utcs.toronto.EDU   {allegra,bnr-vpa,decvax}!utcsri!utgpu!craig