[comp.lang.c++] Borland C++ for Windows

klinich@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu (02/15/91)

Here my  contribution to the questions about the new Turbo C++:

   I just received an "limited-time" offer in the mail from Borland for what
they are calling the new Borland C++.  The offer is as follows:
         For registered owners of Turbo C or Turbo C++.......$149.95
         For registered owners of Turbo C Pro or TC++ Pro....$ 99.95

The list price according to the letter is $495.95, so I guess these are good
prices, but I believe these are only upgrades to the current packages.  Theres
also a 60 day money back guarentee.

What do you get:
      - C++ programming for Windows.  This includes the ability to create both
        Window applications and Window's Dynamic Link Libraries (DDLs).
      - Whitewater Resource Toolkit for developing icons, bit maps, dialogs,
        menus, etc.
      - Turbo Drive.  This is well defined, but it seems to be the new complier
        (both IDE and command line).  It alway seems to be able to run in
        extented memory.
      - A precomplier to complier header files and speed overall compliation.
      - New Turbo Debugger for debugging Windows messages and DLLs.
      - New Turbo Assembler which supports DPMI (DOS Protected Mode).
      - All the other standard stuff that comes with the Pro packages, i.e.
        Turbo Profiler, VROOMM, etc.

Well thats it. 
NOTE: Most of this is copied directly from thier letter or literature, the rest
is just my opinion of what it means, so if anything here isn't as it is ....
(standard disclaimer).

Now some of my own question:
      - How long is limited?
      - Is this worth getting if I really don't intend on writing Windows
      - Does anyone else have more info ?

                                          George Klinich

blake@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Blake Freeburg) (02/16/91)

 The information I got off of CompuServe says that Turbo Drive is _protected_
mode, not just using extended memory (TC++ 1.0 could already do that).  This
will help immensly so that you can compile in a virtual 86 machine, with a 
full 640k to compile in, not just the 640 - DOS - TC++ = ~220k.  I think it
will help out when compiling very large programs. 


Howard_Reed_Johnson@cup.portal.com (02/17/91)

My upgrade eligibility certificate (in the same mailing as described
in the previous article about Borland Turbo C++ for Windows) says that
the $149/$99 prices are valid through April 12, 1991.

I placed my order yesterday, and they quoted me a 4 or 5 week delivery
time.  This seems to indicate that they've just received all the items
necessary to fulfill orders.