[comp.lang.c++] Arity/Prolog & Turbo C++

todd@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Todd Ogasawara) (02/18/91)

Has anyone figured out how to link Turbo C++ functions into an Arity/Prolog
5.1 (or 6.0 which I am still waiting for) module? I was able to link a C
function compiled with the Turbo C++ TCC compiler but not a C++ function. I
got a complaint about an "unrecognized object type" or something like that.

I also couldn't use TLINK to link the Arity and Turbo C modules together.
The Microsoft LINK program seems to work ok though.

Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii
UUCP:		{uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!ucsd!nosc!uhunix!todd
BITNET:		todd@uhunix