[comp.lang.c++] interpreted C++

adrianb@cwi.nl (Adrian Baddeley) (11/28/88)

Is there such a thing as interpreted C++ ?

I want an interactive program that will execute
some large subset of C++. Example:

	prompt :-> int i = 0;
	(EXECUTES NOW, i created and initialised)
	prompt :-> for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	continue_prompt :->  printf("i = %d\n", i);
	continue_prompt :->  }
	i = 0
	i = 1

If not, can anyone suggest a quick route, 
e.g. should I hack away at the gnu g++ source ?

tomas@inmic.se (Tomas Lundstrom) (10/02/90)

Hello Net !

A question:
Has there been any work done in the area of interpreted C++ ?
(or is it not feasible or even desirable ?)

We are looking for a (possibly OO) language that is interactively
user 'extensible'. For various reasons Smalltalk is out, so right
now some kind of LISP dialect seems to be the choice of the day...

Any hints ? Please reply by email

Thanks,  -Tom

Tomas Lundstrom                                
NMP-CAD                                       /^^^\_/^^^^>
Swedish Institute of Microelectronics        /          (_____________ # # #
P.O. Box 1084                                |  II | | _______________|||||||
S-164 21 Kista                               \  o  o  (                # # #
Tel. +46-8-7521126                            \___/^\__>
email tomas@nmpcad.se			Rockus et rollare necesse est

aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson) (02/21/91)

I was wondering if anyone knows of a C++ interpretor? What I want to
do is enbed an interpertor in my application. I am currently using
tcl. The problem is that tcl has a procedural interface and only
supports one data type, the string.

As a result I have to write a lot of code to wraper my member
functions, and have huge tcl scripts to pass messages around.

PS, this could be a lite weight version of C++.

thanks Andy
                  "bede-bede-bede Thats all Folks"
				Porky Pig
Andy Davidson
Woodside CA.