[comp.lang.c++] Polymorphism

alan@rnms1.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) (04/21/89)

vax.bbn.com (Mike Thome) writes:
rnms1.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) writes:
>>-- Portability --
>>1) Language portability is a function of how similar the compilers for different
>>systems are and the breadth and depth of STANDARD functions that are provided
>>via STANDARD interfaces.  This is largely an extra-linguistic issue that
>>has more to do with the history and culture of different language communities
>>than it has to do with the technical merits of languages as languages.
>>Smalltalk is the winner here, with C++ a strong runner-up.
>I'm not sure I see how this is *at all* a linguistic issue - it sounds
>as thought you are talking more of programming environment and fidelity
>of implementations than anything else.  Frankly, I'm surprised that C++
>is listed in the same sentence as Smalltalk in this regard - Smalltalk is
>an entire integrated environment implemented in itself... the only other
>similar systems that come close are Lisp Machines (from various vendors)
>running Flavors - perhaps some of the pascal P-machines might be grouped
>in the same way.

1) How is portability a linguistic issue?

Languages that lack certain amenities that users find irresistable tend to
sprout nonstandard extensions in each implementation.  FORTRAN and Pascal
are famous examples.

Then there are those languages whose programmer interface is too "physical"
or perhaps "low level" (which is not necessarily the same thing!), such that
it assumes too much about the architecture of a particular system.  Assembly
languages are good examples, although even "high-level" languages may exhibit
this problem.  It is often masked by the architectural similarities of
modern general purpose systems, however (e.g., byte, halfword, fullword
bit sizes; binary encoding; data type-machine instruction binding).

2) Why does C++ deserve mention alongside ST-80 in regards to portability?

C++ inherits :-) a large supply of STANDARD fuctions and STANDARD interfaces
from C.  To a large extent, C's supply of standard functions arises out of
its association with the UNIX operating system.  While comparing UNIX and
the ST-80 image is not completely kosher, it cannot be denied that both
UNIX and the ST-80 image represent a LOT of code and a LOT of functionality.
And that none of the other languages mentioned have anything like it to 
within an order of mangnitude.

>>-- Object Orientation --
>>The definition of "object oriented language" is open to debate.  Instead of
>>debating the minimum set of attributes that an object-oriented language 
>>should have, it is more instructive to consider the ideal case.  
>>  First, some definitions: A class is a set of values and the functions/relations
>>defined on the members of that set.  An object is an instance of a class which
>>represents one of the values in the set, that is, one of values of the class.
>>  Inheritance is the ability to define a new class in terms of its differences
>>(extensions, deletions, changes) from some other pre-existing class.
>CLOS Generalizes that to "... from some other pre-existing (required for
>instance instantiation) class or classes".
>>The ideal object-oriented language would:
>>1) Have user-definable classes.
>CLOS satisfies this requirement - methods may be specified not only on
>defined classes, but also built-in data types (ie. integers vs. floats vs.
>complex vs. ratios ... etc) and even single values.
>>2) Have class inheritance.
>CLOS has this.  In addition, it allows inheritance from multiple
>(possibly disjoint) classes.
>>3) Allow function/operator overloading.
>CLOS has this.  Any function may be specialized on any one or more of
>its required arguments. (there is no difference between operator and
>function in lisp.  Note that macros and special forms may not be
>>4) Be completely polymorphic.
>>Smalltalk and Lisp are highly polymorphic.  Next is Objective-C and Prolog.
>>Then C++, and last is Modula-2.
>I would like to see the definition of "polymorphic" (for my own

You (and several other people, in email) asked for it!  So here it is,
along with three references:

1. "Polymorphic Programming Languages -- Design and Implementation" -- 1984
   David M. Harland, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., University Of Glasgow
   Halsted Press: a division of John Wiley & Sons

2. "Denotational Semantics -- A Methodology For Language Development" -- 1986
   David A. Schmidt, Kansas State University
   Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
3. "Abstraction Mechanisms And Language Design" -- 1981
   an ACM Distinguished Dissertation (1982) by Dr. Paul N. Hilfinger, CMU
   The MIT Press
-- Definition Of Polymorphism --
Full polymorphism means that any component or aspect of a program, program 
component or programming language must behave as a value.  Any and all
values must be subject to inspection, modification, storage in memory,
usage as a component part of some composite value, usage as a paremeter, 
usage as an operand in an expression, being computed as the result of
evaluating an expression or function, and (re)definition of its form, structure,
content or name.  The protocol for invoking these common operations must be 
the same for all values, regardless of type.

To say the same thing more concretely:  numbers, characters, data types,
procedures, variables, addresses, blocks, execution contexts, name bindings, 
scopes, processes and the number of bits in an integer must all be "first 
class objects."  First class objects all share the same set of fundamental
rights, priviliges and abilities, the protocol for the exercise of which
is the same for all objects. A first class object has a value that can be 
inspected, changed or stored in memory.  There are functions and/or relations 
that have been and/or can be defined for any first class object. A first class
object can have its structure defined or redefined. It can be bound to a name,
and its name can be changed.

-- Definition of Abstraction --

Abstraction is the process of discovering and/or expressing what is INVARIANT,
constant and organic in a system by taking out, leaving out or not mentioning 
that which is changing, temporary or accidental.

-- Programming Language Abstraction Mechanisms --

User definable procedures, functions and data types are the most important
(and most common) abstraction mechanisms found in modern programming languges.

Generally, the abstraction mechanisms in a programming language permit one to
construct GENERAL PURPOSE structures, devices or tools that are DEFINED ONCE BUT
USED MANY TIMES in different contexts.  Let us refer to such entities in a
program as "object abstractions".  Object abstractions serve as TEMPLATES from
which multiple but partially identical program objects can be created.  Each
such "created object" in a program (or set of programs), as a separate INSTANCE
of the same object abstraction, will have all the same properties, attributes,
functions and structures defined for that object abstraction.  The idea is to
build an abstracted MASTER OBJECT, an ORIGNAL MOLD from which multiple actual
instances can be generated like cookies from a cookie cutter.  Ideally, the
programmer will design his object abstractions in such a way that they can even
be reused in totally unrelated programs or systems.  

By using instantiation of object abstractions to generate program objects, the
workings, interfaces and functionality of the program objects are tied to the
object abstraction, so that modifications or fixes need only be done to the
object abstraction; the instantiation process insures that modifications are
automatically propogated to the generated program objects. Instantiation of
object abstractions allows multiple copies of a program object to be created
with little extra effort beyond what is required to make just the first copy,
saving time.

Another type of abstraction mechanism called PARAMETERIZATION is also of
critical importance.  Parameterization is a mechanism which permits the
programmer to define program objects whose full nature, whose complete
composition, structure, operation and/or data is NOT DETERMINED UNTIL THE OBJECT
square is a shape abstraction whose usefulness derives partly from the fact that
it says nothing about the SIZE of square shaped objects.  The concept or
abstraction "square" is INDEPENDENT of size (and of horizontal/vertical
orientation, location, material composition, weight, color, velocity...).  All
actual squares must of course have some actual size, but the ability to form
such abstractions DIVORCED of certain details is incredibly useful.  It is far
better to write a square drawing procedure that will draw a square of any size
than to have to write a different square drawing procedure for each desired size
of square. Such a size-independent procedure is said to be parameterized: it
accepts the size of the square to be drawn as an input "parameter".

-- Polymorphism and Abstraction Mechanisms --

Polymorphism involves two invariants:  everything behaves as a value, and all
values have a common set of abilities and a common protocol for the exercise of
those abilities.  Abstraction depends upon discovering and exploiting
invariants.  If everything is a value, then everything can be used by
abstraction mechanisms.  If the protocol for exercising the fundamental
abilities of all values is the same, then the same abstraction mechanisms can be
applied to values of any type.

What abstractions can be created by abstraction mechanisms depends upon what can
be a value.  The generality of the abstractions depends upon both what can be a
value and the commonness of the protocol for accessing common attributes and/or
behaviors of values.

For example, the usefulness of the list abstraction depends upon what can be
a member of the list (what can be a value), and upon the orthogonality of the
protocol for manipulating values:  each different protocol for loading/storing
values from/to memory (e.g., "list.element := element" versus "list.element :=
element^") requires a different version of the abstraction.

Consider the following function definition:

    function sum(a);
      s := 0;
      for i := 1 to size(a) do
        s := s + a(i);
      return s;
    end sum;

The usefulness of this function depends upon what values can be input to it
as parameters, upon what value types functions can return, upon what value
types have the ":=", "+" and "()" operations defined on them and upon what value
types have the "size()" function defined for them.  In a language where the
function invocation and array indexing operators are both "()", then the
parameter to this function might be either an array or a function.  In Pascal
or Modula-2, the parameter would have to be function only, because the 
array indexing operator is "[]."

The point is that polymorphism enhances the power of abstraction mechanisms.
Lack of polymorphism cripples abstraction.

Alan Lovejoy; alan@pdn; 813-530-2211; AT&T Paradyne: 8550 Ulmerton, Largo, FL.
Disclaimer: I do not speak for AT&T Paradyne.  They do not speak for me. 
_________________________Design Flaws Travel In Herds_________________________
Motto: If nanomachines will be able to reconstruct you, YOU AREN'T DEAD YET.

nick@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Nick Rothwell) (04/21/89)

I've cut down the Followup distribution of this, to stop it going out to the
entire universe; I think that general discussions of language issues belong
in comp.lang.misc...?

In article <5957@pdn.paradyne.com> alan@rnms1.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) writes:
>1. "Polymorphic Programming Languages -- Design and Implementation" -- 1984
>   David M. Harland, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., University Of Glasgow
>   Halsted Press: a division of John Wiley & Sons
>   -- MUST READING --

The mathematical basis for polymorphic type systems comes from Robinson's
article on unification in the JACM, from around '67 (sorry, can't remember
the title). From here, there's Milner's work, the LCF system, and of course
(fanfare:) ML.

>-- Definition Of Polymorphism --
>Full polymorphism means that any component or aspect of a program, program 
>component or programming language must behave as a value.  Any and all
>values must be subject to inspection, modification, storage in memory,
>usage as a component part of some composite value, usage as a paremeter, 
>usage as an operand in an expression, being computed as the result of
>evaluating an expression or function, and (re)definition of its form, structure,
>content or name.  The protocol for invoking these common operations must be 
>the same for all values, regardless of type.

People might disagree about the extent of "full" polymorphism. ML is
certainly polymorphic, although you can't "inspect" all values (they may
be abstract, or function objects). "modification" is only allowed on
objects created specially for the purpose: how do you modify a function?
"Storage in memory" - doesn't make sense for higher-order garbage collected
languages. "(re)definition of its form" I don't understand...

>To say the same thing more concretely:  numbers, characters, data types,
>procedures, variables, addresses, blocks, execution contexts, name bindings, 
>scopes, processes and the number of bits in an integer must all be "first 
>class objects."

...although a lot of these things (addresses? blocks?) don't exist in some
languages. And I don't see that you want to allow the user to alter absolutely
everything ("hey, let's change the number of bits in a word from being 32
to being yellow...").
   I presume that this is David Harland's definition of polymorphism...? His
approach is to provide this rich model, where everything goes, with
sophisticated hardware support. But, this is a specific approach, and shouldn't
be taken to imply that polymorphism encapsulates everything in this approach.

>-- Definition of Abstraction --
>Abstraction is the process of discovering and/or expressing what is INVARIANT,
>constant and organic in a system by taking out, leaving out or not mentioning 
>that which is changing, temporary or accidental.

Isn't that a rather strange way of putting it? I view abstraction as a process
of distinguishing a system's interface from its implementation.

>The point is that polymorphism enhances the power of abstraction mechanisms.
>Lack of polymorphism cripples abstraction.

Absolutely. In conventional languages, you have to be concerned with the
form data structures take (is it a record? an address of a record? do I
have to garbage collect it? etc. etc.). Polymorphism does away with this,
but the price you pay is that polymorphism requires support (garbage collected
store, special hardware, etc. etc.). A price I'm quite willing to pay,
actually... Now, where's that ML session...?

>Alan Lovejoy; alan@pdn; 813-530-2211; AT&T Paradyne: 8550 Ulmerton, Largo, FL.

Nick Rothwell,	Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh.
		nick@lfcs.ed.ac.uk    <Atlantic Ocean>!mcvax!ukc!lfcs!nick
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
...while the builders of the cages sleep with bullets, bars and stone,
they do not see your road to freedom that you build with flesh and bone.

jack@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Jack Campin) (04/22/89)

alan@rnms1.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) wrote:

>>> [the ideal programming language should] Be completely polymorphic.
>>I would like to see the definition of "polymorphic" (for my own education).
> You (and several other people, in email) asked for it!  So here it is,
> along with three references:
> 1. "Polymorphic Programming Languages -- Design and Implementation" -- 1984
>    David M. Harland, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., University Of Glasgow
>    Halsted Press: a division of John Wiley & Sons

> Full polymorphism means that any component or aspect of a program, program 
> component or programming language must behave as a value.  Any and all
> values must be subject to inspection, modification, storage in memory,
> usage as a component part of some composite value, usage as a paremeter, 
> usage as an operand in an expression, being computed as the result of
> evaluating an expression or function, and (re)definition of its form,
> structure, content or name.  The protocol for invoking these common
> operations must be the same for all values, regardless of type.

> To say the same thing more concretely:  numbers, characters, data types,
> procedures, variables, addresses, blocks, execution contexts, name bindings, 
> scopes, processes and the number of bits in an integer must all be "first 
> class objects."

You and Harland may mean that by "polymorphic", but the rest of the world
certainly doesn't.  The mathematically understood senses of polymorphism are
(1) the Hindley type system, as implemented in Milner's ML and most functional
languages since, and (2) Girard's more powerful type system F, reinvented by
Reynolds and not fully implemented in any language I can think of (Fairbairn's
Ponder comes closest; Mitchell and Plotkin's SOL and Barendregt's TALE do it
on paper).  There are umpteen mix-and-match combinations of these with other
ideas.  It may be possible to construct a logical system combining the above
notion of dependent type with polymorphism; but nobody has ANY real idea how
to typecheck programs written in such calculi - a few flaky attempts to
implement some of Martin-Lof's type theories are the nearest anyone's got.
Nobody has the *faintest* idea how to coherently describe type systems in
which types are assignable values, as you ask for above.  Putting all three of
these requirements (Milner or Girard polymorphism, dependent types, assignable
types) together in one formal calculus is presently quite unimaginable, still
less implementing the result in a type-safe programming language.

For another cautionary example, look at Cardelli's attempts to meet a few of
the same criteria in recent years: the result being a series of inconsistent
type systems attempting to provide a type of all types and an algorithm for
typechecking dependent types that nobody has any idea how to prove complete
(or refute, for that matter).  Or look at Burstall and Lampson's Pebble
(dependent types and first-class bindings), still unimplemented ten years or
so after its design.  This does not suggest we can expect any quick answers.

Yes, you might be able to hack together a language that provided all those
motherhood features (though as far as I know Harland's team at Linn haven't
managed to implement any significant fragment of Poly in the five years since
that book came out).  But you wouldn't have a hope of reasoning about programs
written in it, and the appropriate formalism for verifying the compiler would
be chicken sacrifices and moving your mouse in pentagrams over the source code.

[ for references to this stuff, browse through a few recent LNCS's on data
  types and the like ]

Despite this, the machine (REKURSIV/OBJEKT) that Harland designed to implement
these ideas seems to be a fast engine for running object-oriented code on.
Jack Campin  *  Computing Science Department, Glasgow University, 17 Lilybank
Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND.    041 339 8855 x6045 wk  041 556 1878 ho
INTERNET: jack%cs.glasgow.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk    USENET: jack@glasgow.uucp
JANET: jack@uk.ac.glasgow.cs     PLINGnet: ...mcvax!ukc!cs.glasgow.ac.uk!jack

norvell@csri.toronto.edu (Theodore Stevens Norvell) (04/23/89)

In article <2841@crete.cs.glasgow.ac.uk> jack@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Jack Campin)
makes some good points, but wrote:
>alan@rnms1.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) wrote:
>> To say the same thing more concretely:  numbers, characters, data types,
>> procedures, variables, addresses, blocks, execution contexts, name bindings, 
>> scopes, processes and the number of bits in an integer must all be "first 
>> class objects."
>You and Harland may mean that by "polymorphic", but the rest of the world
>certainly doesn't.  The mathematically understood senses of polymorphism are
>(1) the Hindley type system, as implemented in Milner's ML and most functional
>languages since, and (2) Girard's more powerful type system F, reinvented by
>Reynolds and not fully implemented in any language I can think of [...]
Perhaps this is a quibble, but surely you are confusing "polymorphism" with
"polymorphic type inference".  Consider the following quotation describing
polymorphic programming:
	A widely employed style of programming, particularly in structure-
	processing languages which impose no discipline of types (LISP is
	a perfect example), entails defining procedures which work well on
	objects of a wide variety (e.g, on lists of atoms, integers, or
Surely Harland's Poly is another perfect example.  In Poly can one not
define procedures which work well on objects of a very wide variety?

The quotation, by the way, is from Milner's seminal paper `A Theory
of Type Polymorphism in Programming', (J. Comp. & Sys. Sci., 17, 1978)
in which he used Hindley's system (without knowing it was Hindley's)
to do strong type checking in a lisp-like language (ML).  The introduction
of this approach did not suddenly make LISP, Prolog, or Smalltalk (or
Poly, had it existed at the time) less polymorphic.  Nor did it make
languages that use other approaches to strong type checking of polymorphic
programs (e.g., C++ and Modula-3) less polymorphic.

Milner also credits the term "polymorphism" to Strachey in 1967 which
predates even Hindley's work (1969).

The term "polymorphic type inference", on the other hand describes
perfectly the work of Hindley, Milner, Girard, Reynolds, McCracken,
Cardelli, Wand, etc.

Theo Norvell
U of Toronto

On the other hand, language is living.  Perhaps I'm just out of date.

boehm@flora.rice.edu (Hans Boehm) (04/23/89)

  I would like to take issue with a frew of the points raised in the recent
discussion of polymorphism, especially by Jack Campin's article.

1. ML is traditionally viewed as the canonical example of a polymorphically
  typed programming language.  Nonetheless there is some legitimate debate
  whether the language (without the recently added module system) should
  really be considered polymorphic.  ML-style polymorphism (like Ada generics)
  can always be replaced by macro expansion.  (Unlike in Ada, this is
  not the usual implementation strategy.  Also unlike Ada, polymorphic
  expressions have a type that can be written down.) This is not true of
  the Girard-Reynolds system.
2. Several programming languages based in the Girard-Reynolds lambda
  calculus have been successfully implemented and used.  The ones I know
  about are Russell (with which I have been involved), the language
  underlying IBM's Scratchpad II symbolic algebra system, and Dave Mathews'
  Poly.  Some recent language designs from Waterloo probably also fit into
  this category.  The type systems used by these languages are all variations
  on the Reynolds system.  But they all must address essentially the same
  issues that would have arisen if the Reynolds system had been used directly.
3. It is no harder to define the semantics of one of these languages than
  that of any other real programming languages.  This is an issue that is
  largely independent of the type system.  Indeed, the semantics are usually
  specified without reference to the type annotations in the program.
  Empirically, a program written in one of these languages is much more
  likely to be correct (once it compiles) than a C or Lisp program.  (The
  same observation applies to ML, for those programs that can easily be
  written in ML.  Unfortunately, these statements are all based on anecdotal
   Note that giving a semantics to a program is orthogonal to that of giving
  semantics to types, since we usually specify program semantics as though
  the program were untyped.  Giving semantics to types, and proving that the
  type system insures certain execution time properties is harder, and is
  certainly still a subject of research.  But the real problem here is that
  we don't entirely understand what properties should be insured by a type
  checking system, independent of the particular language.  I claim that this
  problem is as hard to solve for Pascal as it is for Russell or Scratchpad II.
4. Type checking (with programmer specified types) is well understood for
  these languages.  Type RECONSTRUCTION (or inference) in the ML sense
  is harder, but is also beginning to be understood.  See the paper by
  Frank Pfenning in the last Lisp conference, or one of the two papers on
  the subject in the upcoming SIGPLAN conference.  To date, this has probably
  been the most serious implementation obstacle for these languages.
5. A number of these systems allow a type of all types, which is an "element
  of" itself.  This causes problems with the "propositions as types" analogy,
  which is important in other contexts.  It also causes some slight
  complications in the implementation, since there is no longer a clear
  distinction between type and non-type values.  Thus types may have to be
  represented at run-time.  (However it usually doesn't matter what they
  are represented as, only that space is reserved for them as for other
  values.  Even this can usually be optimized away.)
  I know of no real sense in which it makes a programming language
  type system inconsistent.  (The "proposition as types" analogy is also hard
  to preserve if it is possible to write any programs that do not terminate.
  I know of no real programming languages in which all programs terminate.)

Hans-J. Boehm

alan@rnms1.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) (04/23/89)

In article <2841@crete.cs.glasgow.ac.uk< jack@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Jack Campin) writes:
<> I wrote:
<> Full polymorphism means that any component or aspect of a program, program 
<> component or programming language must behave as a value.  Any and all
<> values must be subject to inspection, modification, storage in memory,
<> usage as a component part of some composite value, usage as a paremeter, 
<> usage as an operand in an expression, being computed as the result of
<> evaluating an expression or function, and (re)definition of its form,
<> structure, content or name.  The protocol for invoking these common
<> operations must be the same for all values, regardless of type.
<> To say the same thing more concretely:  numbers, characters, data types,
<> procedures, variables, addresses, blocks, execution contexts, name bindings, 
<> scopes, processes and the number of bits in an integer must all be "first 
<> class objects."
<You and Harland may mean that by "polymorphic", but the rest of the world
<certainly doesn't.

I deliberately defined it as extremely as I could.  I knew it was
controversial. I wanted to start a discussion.  It worked, didn't it?

<The mathematically understood senses of polymorphism are
<(1) the Hindley type system, as implemented in Milner's ML and most functional
<languages since, and (2) Girard's more powerful type system F, reinvented by
<Reynolds and not fully implemented in any language I can think of (Fairbairn's
<Ponder comes closest; Mitchell and Plotkin's SOL and Barendregt's TALE do it
<on paper).  

<Yes, you might be able to hack together a language that provided all those
<motherhood features (though as far as I know Harland's team at Linn haven't
<managed to implement any significant fragment of Poly in the five years since
<that book came out).  But you wouldn't have a hope of reasoning about programs
<written in it, and the appropriate formalism for verifying the compiler would
<be chicken sacrifices and moving your mouse in pentagrams over the source code.

The definition I gave is motivated by denotational semantics.  Whether its
mathematical properties are completely understood is a completely separate
question. All I gave was a definition.  I didn't say that any language
does or could live up to it, or that it would be worthwile to create a
language that could.

Alan Lovejoy; alan@pdn; 813-530-2211; AT&T Paradyne: 8550 Ulmerton, Largo, FL.
Disclaimer: I do not speak for AT&T Paradyne.  They do not speak for me. 
_________________________Design Flaws Travel In Herds_________________________
Motto: If nanomachines will be able to reconstruct you, YOU AREN'T DEAD YET.

db@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Dave Berry) (05/02/89)

In article <3150@kalliope.rice.edu> boehm@flora.rice.edu (Hans Boehm) writes:
>  There is some legitimate debate whether ML (without the recently added
>  module system) should really be considered polymorphic.  ML-style
>  polymorphism (like Ada generics) can always be replaced by macro expansion.
>  (Unlike in Ada, this is not the usual implementation strategy.  Also unlike
>  Ada, polymorphic expressions have a type that can be written down.)

I'm having trouble understanding much of this debate.  In particular, how can
ML style polymorphism be replaced by macro expansion?  Also, do you consider
the module system to be polymorphic?  (I don't.  In fact it's much more like
ADA than the core language.  It provides type parameterisation rather than

My definition of a polymorphic function is one that can be applied
to objects of more than one type.  Examples are the universal polymorphism
of ML and the bounded polymorphism of typed systems with inheritance.

A similar feature is overloading, a.k.a. ad-hoc polymorphism.  This is
a polymorphism of a name rather than a function itself; a name may refer
to functions of more than one type, depending on the types of its arguments.
Examples include static overloading of C++, Ada etc., and dynamic overloading
of C++ virtual functions, Eiffel etc.

I don't see how "treating everything as a value" affects this definition.  If
everything can be treated as a value then universal polymorphism will apply
to everything, if not it will only apply to values (and not types).  But this
seems to be a question of defining the "type of a type", rather than a
definition of polymorphism.

Could Hans or Alan explain their points further?

 "See, this is why I got off drugs.  Who can tell the difference anymore?"
Dave Berry,	Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh.
		<Atlantic Ocean>!mcvax!ukc!lfcs!db

alan@oz.nm.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) (05/03/89)

>My definition of a polymorphic function is one that can be applied
>to objects of more than one type.  Examples are the universal polymorphism
>of ML and the bounded polymorphism of typed systems with inheritance.

This is the result of type polymorphism when applied to functions.

An array which can accept values of any type as elements (e.g., the first
element is an integer, the second element is a BitBlt, etc.) is the result
of type polymorphism when applied to data structures.

An abstraction mechanism for constructing array types, which can be used
to construct array types of any index and/or element type (e.g., Pascal
has an array type constructor which can construct array types of any element
type and any *ordinal* index type: "ARRAY <ordinal type> OF <element type>")
is the result of type polymorphism when applied to metaclasses (a metaclass
is an abstraction mechanism which constructs classes (types)).

Pascal's array-type constructor can be thought of as a function which returns
array types given two types as arguments.  Notice that this is one of the
only two ways in which types act as values in Pascal (the other is when a 
type is an argument to the SIZEOF pseudofunction).

>A similar feature is overloading, a.k.a. ad-hoc polymorphism.  This is
>a polymorphism of a name rather than a function itself; a name may refer
>to functions of more than one type, depending on the types of its arguments.
>Examples include static overloading of C++, Ada etc., and dynamic overloading
>of C++ virtual functions, Eiffel etc.

Overloading does not make a function polymorphic.  It may enable the definition
of polymorphic abstractions and/or abstraction mechanisms, however. A function 
which, among other things, invokes the "Print" function on its argument will be
more polymorphic if "Print" has been overloaded for many value types.

>I don't see how "treating everything as a value" affects this definition.  If
>everything can be treated as a value then universal polymorphism will apply
>to everything, if not it will only apply to values (and not types).  But this
>seems to be a question of defining the "type of a type", rather than a
>definition of polymorphism.

My definition of polymorphism had TWO essential components: 

1) Value universality
2) Protocol universality

Overloading is a mechanism for accomplishing protocol universality.

>Could Hans or Alan explain their points further?

Alan Lovejoy; alan@pdn; 813-530-2211; AT&T Paradyne: 8550 Ulmerton, Largo, FL.
Disclaimer: I do not speak for AT&T Paradyne.  They do not speak for me. 
_________________________Design Flaws Travel In Herds_________________________
Motto: If nanomachines will be able to reconstruct you, YOU AREN'T DEAD YET.

boehm@flora.rice.edu (Hans Boehm) (05/03/89)

In article <1898@etive.ed.ac.uk> db@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Dave Berry) writes:
>In article <3150@kalliope.rice.edu> boehm@flora.rice.edu (Hans Boehm) writes:
>>  There is some legitimate debate whether ML (without the recently added
>>  module system) should really be considered polymorphic.  ML-style
>>  polymorphism (like Ada generics) can always be replaced by macro expansion.
>>  (Unlike in Ada, this is not the usual implementation strategy.  Also unlike
>>  Ada, polymorphic expressions have a type that can be written down.)
>I'm having trouble understanding much of this debate.  In particular, how can
>ML style polymorphism be replaced by macro expansion?  Also, do you consider
>the module system to be polymorphic?  (I don't.  In fact it's much more like
>ADA than the core language.  It provides type parameterisation rather than
>My definition of a polymorphic function is one that can be applied
>to objects of more than one type  ...

If we (at least temporarily) agree on this definition, there are still
at least two ways to accomplish this.  I'll use the identity function to

We may either continue to write the identity function as

    lambda x . x

and consider it to have type

    forall T . T -> T

Equivalently, we may introduce the type T as an explicit parameter to the
identity function.  We get

    lambda T . lambda x:T . x    or perhaps    lambda (T, x:T) . x

In Reynold's polymorphically typed lambda calculus the type of the
first form is written as something like

    Delta T . T -> T

In this case, the identity function must be invoked by applying it both
to a type and its "real" argument.

In their full generality (and ignoring questions related to the amount
of user specified type information) both views are equivalent.  There is
a direct correspondence between "forall" and "Delta".  Applications to
types correspond to replacement of a type variable by a specific type.
(See Leivant's paper in the 10th POPL proceedings for more details.)

ML (without modules) uses a restricted form of the first view, in which
"forall"s can appear only at the outer level of a type.  Types such as

    (forall T . T -> T) -> int

are illegal.  (Equivalently, there is no way to parametrize functions
with repect to polymorphic functions.)  At least theoretically, this is
a severe restriction.  If we take any applicative core ML program,
and substitute the right sides let declarations for left sides of let
declarations, we obtain an equivalent nonpolymorphic program.  For

	I = lambda x . x       ==>  ((lambda x: int -> int . x)
    in                                  (lambda x: int . x)) 3
	(I I) 3

In particular, the addition of an ML-style polymorphic let to the
simply typed lambda-calculus does not add to its expressive power.
The addition of fully general quantification or type parametrization
does, greatly.  How much this matters in practice is open to debate.
I would argue that it does matter, but probably primarily when it
comes to putting together large systems.

The standard ML module system uses a type parametrization view.
My impression is that it also limits parametrization to the outer level,
though perhaps not for a good reason.  (I could be completely wrong here,

What core-ML gains over the more general disciplines is that it appears
to be the most general system in which Hindley-Milner automatic type
inference is known to work completely, and thus the programmer has to specify
essentially no type information.  (Note that the type inferencer in fact
determines where type variables are instantiated.  Thus it could also
infer a program with explicit type parametrization and application, but
again all parametrization would have to be at the outer level.)

It loses in expressiveness.  Also the restrictions seem to necessitate
additional complications elsewhere (a separate module system, the treatment
of variables).  My (biased) opinion is that in the long run this isn't
worth it.  In the short run, it is probably the best system we know how to
implement really well.  But those of us working on more general systems
are gaining ...

In any case, I don't think that the ML type system should be used to DEFINE
the notion of polymorphism.

Hans-J. Boehm

db@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Dave Berry) (05/06/89)

In article <3215@kalliope.rice.edu> boehm@flora.rice.edu (Hans Boehm) writes:
>In article <3150@kalliope.rice.edu> boehm@flora.rice.edu (Hans Boehm) writes:
>>  There is some legitimate debate whether ML (without the recently added
>>  module system) should really be considered polymorphic.
>In any case, I don't think that the ML type system should be used to DEFINE
>the notion of polymorphism.

I agree with the second quote, sine ML's polymorphism isn't as general
as other systems, but not the first.

		"You never smile, you know it wouldn't look right.	
 		 'Cause your dentures glow in ultra-violet light..." 
Dave Berry, Laboratory for Foundations      db%lfcs.ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
    of Computer Science, Edinburgh Uni.	    <Atlantic Ocean>!mcvax!ukc!lfcs!db

db@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Dave Berry) (05/06/89)

In article <6057@pdn.paradyne.com> alan@oz.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) writes:
>>My definition of a polymorphic function is one that can be applied
>>to objects of more than one type.
>This is the result of type polymorphism when applied to functions.
>An array which can accept values of any type as elements is the result
>of type polymorphism when applied to data structures.

True.  I usually think of data constructors as functions too.  This comes
of working on the ML project.

>An abstraction mechanism which can be used to construct array types of any
>index and/or element type is the result of type polymorphism when applied to
>metaclasses (a metaclass is an abstraction mechanism which constructs types).

That's an interesting view.  The approach taken round here is to use the
idea of dependent function types from type theory (as in Martin-Lo"f
type theory, Calculus of Constructions, etc.)

It still seems to me that the question of treating everything as a value
is orthogonal to the question of what is polymorphism.  (Obviously
the combination makes languages more expressive.)

>My definition of polymorphism had TWO essential components: 
>1) Value universality
>2) Protocol universality
>Overloading is a mechanism for accomplishing protocol universality.

Is it the only such mechanism that you were thinking of, or were you
also thinking of the mechanism that I call polymorphism?

>Overloading does not make a function polymorphic.  It may enable the
>definition of polymorphic abstractions and/or abstraction mechanisms, however.
>A function which, among other things, invokes the "Print" function on its
>argument will be more polymorphic if "Print" has been overloaded for many
>value types.

Providing that the type system can specify the type of the function
(if you're using a type system).

		"You never smile, you know it wouldn't look right.	
 		 'Cause your dentures glow in ultra-violet light..." 
Dave Berry, Laboratory for Foundations      db%lfcs.ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
    of Computer Science, Edinburgh Uni.	    <Atlantic Ocean>!mcvax!ukc!lfcs!db

alan@oz.nm.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) (05/10/89)

In article <1943@etive.ed.ac.uk> db@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Dave Berry) writes:
>In article <6057@pdn.paradyne.com> alan@oz.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) writes:
>>An abstraction mechanism which can be used to construct array types of any
>>index and/or element type is the result of type polymorphism when applied to
>>metaclasses (a metaclass is an abstraction mechanism which constructs types).
>That's an interesting view.  The approach taken round here is to use the
>idea of dependent function types from type theory (as in Martin-Lo"f
>type theory, Calculus of Constructions, etc.)
>It still seems to me that the question of treating everything as a value
>is orthogonal to the question of what is polymorphism.  (Obviously
>the combination makes languages more expressive.)

See below.

>>My definition of polymorphism had TWO essential components: 
>>1) Value universality
>>2) Protocol universality
>>Overloading is a mechanism for accomplishing protocol universality.
>Is it the only such mechanism that you were thinking of, or were you
>also thinking of the mechanism that I call polymorphism?

I thought polymorphism was a property, not a mechanism.  Could you  explain
how your conceptualization of polymorphism qualifies as a mechanism?

If I say that language X permits functions to accept and produce values
of any type, would you say that that language is highly polymorphic?

What if langauge X only has two value types:  integer and real?

For theoretical reasons, it is productive to view all actions that occur in the
compilation and/or execution of a program as the result of the evaluation of 
functions. Hence, the definition of new type should be viewed as a service
provided by a compile-time function ("compile-time" in most languages, anyway).
The range of definable data types in a language is obviously a function of the
polymorphism of the type-creation function.  Similarly, the production of values
of a type should be viewed as a service provided by an instantiation function.
Obviously, the polymorphism of this instantiating function determines what
can be a value in a language.  This is how my definition of polymorphism
can be derived from the definition which you are used to.

Values are instances of a type (objects are instances of a class).  The 
requirement for protocol universality is related to the requirement for
value universality by this fact, because the existence of the ability,
and the protocol, to instantiate integers motivates the existence of the
ability to instantiate other types USING THE SAME INSTANTIATION PROTOCOL.

By the same reasoning, the ability to define the integer type motivates the 
ability to define other types USING THE SAME TYPE DEFINITION PROTOCOL.  In
other words, if types are the result of functions which evaluate to types,
then polymorphism demands that the type definition function be able to
produce multiple types.  Given multiple types, polymorphism demands that
the value instantiation function accept many types as an input parameter.

From this perspective, functions, even notional ones, that are available to
the compiler but not to the programmer, impair polymorphism.  Denial of the
services of a function is the same thing as prohibiting the use of a type
(or its instances).  FUNCTIONS ARE VALUES, TOO.  Second class functions
are second class values.  Ask not only what types are in the domain of 
your functions, but also what functions are defined on your types.

Alan Lovejoy; alan@pdn; 813-530-2211; AT&T Paradyne: 8550 Ulmerton, Largo, FL.
Disclaimer: I do not speak for AT&T Paradyne.  They do not speak for me. 
_________________________Design Flaws Travel In Herds_________________________
Motto: If nanomachines will be able to reconstruct you, YOU AREN'T DEAD YET.

chin@sg1.chem.upenn.edu (Chin Wu) (04/10/90)

    If we use a Base pointer to construct a Derived object, will the
Derived destructer be used when been deleted? I have used the
following code to explore:
// test derived constructer and destructer

#include <stream.h>

class Base
    Base() { cout << "This is base constructer\n";};
    ~Base() { cout << "This is base destructer\n";};

class Derived : public Base
    Derived() { cout << "This is derived constructer\n";};
    ~Derived() { cout << "This is derived destructer\n";};

    Base* test;

    test = new Derived;
    delete test;
And the output as follow:

This is base constructer
This is derived constructer
This is base destructer

So the derived destructer won't be called if we construct the Derived
object by Base pointer. But isn't it more natural to call both? If I
misunderstood the C++, is there anyway you can call Derived class

ps: I am using GNU G++, maybe AT&T behave differently.

mleblanc@athena.mit.edu (Marc LeBlanc) (04/10/90)

>    If we use a Base pointer to construct a Derived object, will the
>Derived destructer be used when been deleted? I have used the
>following code to explore:
>// test derived constructer and destructer

>#include <stream.h>

>class Base
>  public:
>    Base() { cout << "This is base constructer\n";};
>    ~Base() { cout << "This is base destructer\n";};

>class Derived : public Base
>  public:
>    Derived() { cout << "This is derived constructer\n";};
>    ~Derived() { cout << "This is derived destructer\n";};

>    Base* test;

>    test = new Derived;
>    delete test;
>And the output as follow:

>This is base constructer
>This is derived constructer
>This is base destructer

>So the derived destructer won't be called if we construct the Derived
>object by Base pointer. But isn't it more natural to call both? If I
>misunderstood the C++, is there anyway you can call Derived class

I think this would qualify as an "undocumented feature."  If you
declare the base destructor as virtual, you get the desired effect. (I
tried it).  Shouldn't this be the default?

Marc LeBlanc                        		mleblanc@athena.mit.edu

horstman@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (04/11/90)

In article <CHIN.90Apr9174555@sg1.chem.upenn.edu> chin@sg1.chem.upenn.edu (Chin Wu) writes:
>    If we use a Base pointer to construct a Derived object, will the
>Derived destructer be used when been deleted? I have used the
>following code to explore:
>class Base
>  public:
>    Base() { cout << "This is base constructer\n";};
>    ~Base() { cout << "This is base destructer\n";};
>class Derived : public Base
>  public:
>    Derived() { cout << "This is derived constructer\n";};
>    ~Derived() { cout << "This is derived destructer\n";};
>    Base* test;
>    test = new Derived;
>    delete test;
>... is there anyway you can call Derived class
Yes. Declare the destructor to be virtual (in the Base.)


pjc@cs.man.ac.uk (Peter Crowther (CAG ra)) (04/11/90)

In article <1990Apr10.112351.24301@athena.mit.edu> mleblanc@athena.mit.edu (Marc LeBlanc) writes:
>>So the derived destructer won't be called if we construct the Derived
>>object by Base pointer. But isn't it more natural to call both? If I
>>misunderstood the C++, is there anyway you can call Derived class
>I think this would qualify as an "undocumented feature."  If you
>declare the base destructor as virtual, you get the desired effect. (I
>tried it).  Shouldn't this be the default?

IMHO, no. Reason: I dislike languages that force me to write inefficient
code (it's what comes of writing a lot of stuff on a Sun-2 (that's *2*)
file server supporting about 10 clients). The default in C++ is to save
the space in each object that would otherwise be allocated to the
virtual function table pointer.

It also maintains compatibility with C structures if the default is not
to tag another pointer onto the end of each structure. That's also
important to me; I have interfaces from C++ to SunView, RPC, XDR, Ingres
and a bunch of C libraries. Several of these would probably screw up if
virtual destructors were used. This is a weaker argument; the
counterargument is 'Anyone trying to interface C++ and C should have
enough nouse to change the default when they need to'. I'm just lazy.

		- Peter
Peter Crowther, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Manchester,
		Manchester M13 9PL, England.
Internet: pcrowther@r1.cs.man.ac.uk		Janet: pcrowther@uk.ac.man.cs.r1
ARPA: pcrowther%cs.man.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk OtherNets: No idea at all!

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (04/12/90)

In article <CHIN.90Apr9174555@sg1.chem.upenn.edu> chin@sg1.chem.upenn.edu (Chin Wu) writes:
>    If we use a Base pointer to construct a Derived object, will the
>Derived destructer be used when been deleted? 

Yes -- Iff you tell the compiler that you want polymorphic behavior for
the destructor functions by declaring them "virtual."

In general, in C++, whenever you want the "correct" function called
[explicetly or implicitly] through a pointer or reference of a type
of a parent class,  rather than a pointer or reference of the actual type of the
object, and when you have differing versions of the function in the
base and the derived classes --then you need to declare the functions involved

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (05/01/90)

>"leaf" classes are a myth - identify any class as a "leaf" 
>an I will immediately prove you wrong by deriving from it.

Okay, I'll bite.  I claim the following class *is* a leaf class.  Prove
me wrong by deriving from it:

class LEAF
	LEAF() {}
	LEAF(const LEAF&) {}
	LEAF& operator=(const LEAF&) { return *this; }
	void Print() {printf("I'm a leaf\n");}
	static LEAF& New() { return *new LEAF; }

In any case, I believe this is the same old argument again.  If one believes
that inheritance is the more important property, one insists that encapsulation
must be subjugated to inheritance.  If one believes that encapsulation is
more important than inheritance, one points out that inheritance can always
break a superclass.  My claim would be that since in real life more than
half the classes people create *are* leaf classes, that is, classes which
are *not* being derived from, maybe it would behoove one to admit to such 
a distinction, and use it to one's advantage.  This need not be an end
to code reuse.  One can imagine placing the bulk of one's effort into
reusable "parent" classes, and only placing a small amount to code into
the non-reusable leaf classes.  The advantage would be that the leaf classes
are now a strictly encapsulated unit, and people can demonstrably argue
about whether those leaf classes work right or not -- such arguments can
never be resolved for non-leaf classes!

DEREK@apple.com (Derek White) (05/04/90)

As has been discused in previous postings, virtual functions CAN be 
optimized by smart tools towards the end of the build cycle.  In the Mac's 
MPW Object Pascal environment, all member functions start out "virtual" 
(polymorphic), but the linker analyzes the object code and 
inheritance structure, deduces which methods are "leaf" methods, and 
generates direct calls to the method instead going through a method 
dispatcher (which is SLOW).  Note that it does this for the final program, 
not the libraries.  The MPW linker has been doing this for years.

CFront was designed to work with generic compilers, linkers, etc, but 
significant improvements can be made by designing a linker that could 
replace virtual calls to leaf member functions with direct functions, and 
strip vtables of references to these "leaf" virtual methods.  Environments 
that have shared object libaries would not be as optimizable, but it would 
still help.

There are still occassions when it would be useful to designate 
non-virtual functions.  My guess is that 99.9% of private member functions 
should be non-virtual, and that around 80%-90%? of protected/public member 
functions should be virtual if an optimizing scheme existed.  It starts to 
make a good case for changing the defaults.

gvc87r@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Gary Chambers) (02/21/91)

Hello. Does anybody know for certain whether it is possible or
impossible/impractical for two classes having virtual member
functions with the same name, args etc.  to use dynamic binding.

My principal concern is in the use of class libraries where
I would like to use objects of a given class in one library, say,
and also objects from another library using dynamic binding
to call a certain procedure where the actual class of the object
(one from either of the libraries) is not known at compile time.

Thanks in advance,

Gary Chambers,
Dept. Electronics & Computer Science,
University of Southampton,