[comp.lang.c++] Advanced Topics Workshop - C++

ellie@usenix.ORG (Ellie Young) (02/22/91)


	       at the USENIX C++ Technical Conference


		      Friday, April 26, 1991

		          Washington, DC

The third USENIX C++ Advanced Topics Workshop will be held following the
USENIX C++ Technical Conference on April 26, 1991, in Wilson Hall, on
the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.  (This
is a short subway ride from the Washington D.C. Sheraton Hotel, where
the technical conference will be held.)

The focus of this year's workshop will be on the design of and
experience with C++ class libraries.  We wish to address questions such
as:  How can inheritance best be used when organizing class hierachies? 
How will new language features such as templates and exceptions impact
the design and use of class libraries?  Is it practical to deliver class
libraries in binary-only form?  What compiler, linker, and debugging
tools are needed to support the development and use of large class
libraries?  What problems arise when several libraries must be used in
the same program, and how can these be overcome?  To what extent have
C++ class libraries actually delivered on the promise of software reuse?
What new language features might improve C++ support for class

Workshop attendance will be limited to 60 people, of which there will be
selected approximately a dozen to present their position.  Attendees
will be selected on the basis of a position statement they submit that
describes their work and how it is relevant to the design or use of C++

Persons interested in attending this workshop should send a 1 page
position paper by March 1 to:

	Keith Gorlen			phone: (301) 496-1111
	Building 12A, Room 2033		FAX: (301) 402-0007
	National Institutes of Health	uucp: uunet!kgorlen%alw.nih.gov
	Bethesda, MD 20892		Internet: kgorlen@alw.nih.gov

Those selected to attend the workshop will receive invitations by
March 25. Attendees chosen to present their postion papers at the
workshop will also be notified at this time.