[comp.lang.c++] Public domain software for inferencing, database and a blackboard environment.

powell@newyork.crd.ge.com (02/28/91)

Dear C++ community:

I am have been working in the area of mechanical design optimization
for about three years using primarily LISP based tools and I am looking 
into the feasibility of moving to the C++ world. Many tools were available from the
net in LISP which made system development and experimentation quite easy.

Before making the leap to C++, I am trying to determine publically
available tools that will facilitate my development of an optimization
system within C++. In this regard, I would appreciate any information
on public domain (preferably C++ but I am willing to convert C)
 software for experimentation with respect to any of the
following areas:

  1. A forward and or backward chaining inference engine which preferably inferences
  based on objects.

  2. A object oriented DBMS.

  3. A blackboard system for posting and reacting to events. (C++ or C based)

